electrical issues


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brisvr4 said:
I would turn the key to on then check all the pin outs on the tcu plug to see if any of them still see power then trace the wiring back and disconnect it.
I ran your vin and it was a factory auto as well.

oh god no:eek:

The conversion must have been done in Japan.

Thanks for that

As for tracing the pin outs that sounds like a big job, but ill go get started
From threads on other forums as well as Vfaq I can't see why you can't just pull the tcu out and leave it at that? There shouldn't be any problems caused by doing that!
What year model was it Tim?
vr4goleta - do you have cruise control?
If so, do you want to retain it?
just checked all the pins, there is only 1 pin with a constant 5v with key on or off, all others are dead

I have owned it for nearly 5 years and am the 1st registered owner of it in australia, i would never have figured it to be an auto.

does this change anything else, for example engine ecu pin outs or features

would this also mean the diff had been changed, the different front to rear ratios would fight each other if not
It is a '90 .
If the front and rear ratios were different it would have died a long time ago, must have been a complete conversion over there.
Ecu should be exactly the same, the only difference is the reverse light setup but your obviously works or it would not have gotten compliance.
Thanks mate.
You should have constant 12VDC @ pin 56 (Red-Black wire) and also IGN1 12VDC @ pin 11 (Blue-Black wire).........not that it really matters anymore!
You should be sweet to simply unplug and run without it.
The only connection common between it and the engine control unit is the TPS, which is connected in parallel. Having said that, if the transmission control unit was sinking current (which it looks like it has across a resistor and through the electrolyte or something, going by your pics - check the variable resistance between pin 1 and 2, will tell you if your TPS is shot), it will have been drawing max current @ 5V through pin 13 on your engine control unit. This should be ok because it looks like there are current limiting resistors built in to the ECU.
Hmmm, I'm not sure why it blew the IGN fuse though??
Also, does anyone know what the auto compressor control unit is?
It will be affected by removing the transmission control module.
Wow, that was a whole load of waffle. I was thinking out aloud (incase I was wrong - which I usually am! :p)
vr4goleta - unplug the transmission control unit.
Check if your TPS is ok.
Remove the DTC's through a logger, or leave battery disconnected overnight (?? does this work people?) and check diagnostics again.
Man let us know how you go. Certainly an interesting story!
and no it has no cruise control

so the tcu and ecu having a common connection through the TPS, then the tcu failing could be what gave me the tps fault code, or could it have been the tps cauising the tcu failure

brisvr4 half the lights didnt work (along with other things i cant remember) when i got it, so it was dodgey compliance and saftey
vr4goleta said:
then the tcu failing could be what gave me the tps fault code, or could it have been the tps cauising the tcu failure

The former mate.

Btw, sorry I meant check between pin 1 & 2 of the TPS. It should tell you whether or not if is stuffed.
It could have been overloaded and burnt out the carbon tracks b/w 1 &2 in the TPS leaving it open cct, and therefore giving you the TPS error code.
But yeah, just check it, could have just been the TCU pulling the voltage down (which is most likely).
ill check the tps tommorrow, thanks for that

i have also noticed another control uni in the boot Left hand side just behind the pocket where the tool kit goes, is this for the ABS?
I know that in a tn magna you can leave the auto ecu disconected when you put a manual in it.most of the wires are direct from auto ecu to gearbox.if you have the vr4 tech manual it has the diagrams for the auto wiring.
vr4goleta said:
brisvr4 half the lights didnt work (along with other things i cant remember) when i got it, so it was dodgey compliance and saftey
Which dodgey assed mob did the compliancing?
rob323 said:
Which dodgey assed mob did the compliancing?

not sure who actually did the compliance as i didnt personally import it, but i got it from "brad boettcher used cars" in Maryborough which he claimed he was selling on behalf of a friend, and by the time i found some of the stuff i didnt really want to drive 3 1/2 hours each way