Re: info whereabouts?
v8h8a said:
where did u get that info from?
i jus had a complete rebuild on mine, i priced all the standard internals and what they told me was that they forged to neway.
BOOST???? ive got all the info back in townsville, i been told and it stands to reason cause mine normally spikes at 1.2bar but then stays on 1.1 bar boost.
which is 14 psi isnt it...???
down here at my parents place in the mountains in NSW im hittin 1.3, 1.4 bar boost at about 5000rpm.cause i had it on the freeway the other night, air temp was about 11 degrees or cooler i was doin about 210km/ph in 5th at about 5500rpm and it was sitting on 1.3bar after spiking at 1.4bar..
i dont know why it is but as far as i know the boost has not been touched..
any info would be good as all i seem to get is.. i heard... ill meet up with u when i get up and compare notes.. did u say ur mate had an EVO 3. is it the white one with oevo3 plates..
Ok how bout you just ask around on the forums (Or any where for that matter o look it up on the net) (I will try to get some more info about this & post it up soon) about the Evo 1-3 4G63 engines to see if they are forged from factory.
Maybe the mechinac shop told you to get OR go forged items cause they are stronger And you might as well get them now that it's due for a rebuild as it would save ALOT of stuffing around down the long term.
I got that info from the guy that rally's Evo's for a living & has a number of them ranging from Evo 1-Evo 8.
Just because your car is running that amount of boost doesn't mean that they run it from factory, like CLuTZ Stated there is SOOO many factors involved with over boosting/spiking.
Have you had a look at you wastegate & vacume line to see if you can see any "T" running off the line.
Also see if you can move your wastegate with some multi-grips, the wastegate COULD be stuffed/carboned up also.
OR if you be VERY carefull run some compressed air on the wastegate to see if it moves the wastegate.
Also see if you still have the OEM Boost control soleniod is conected up OR still there.
With a full exhaust you will run a few pound more in boost so maybe 12-13psi.
Are you running the Factory ECU still?
Yes that's him with the while Evo 3 with OEV03 plates.