yesDid u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
yepDid u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
Did u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
yesDid u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
yepDid u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
Did u swap in a evo 9 brake n master Boost cylinder
I have Magna Verada hubs & the steering arm joint for the tie rod end is about 10mm high & the tie rod end goes in bottom ^^ up.
Cheers !
The Brembo conversion is the first item on my list of things to do to the RVR.RVR97 said:I think Jack is correct, he came over and had it compared with the magna knuckles. Its like buying the same knuckles as my RVR :fuuuuu: lesson learnt.
Anyway, good news for the RVRers and can donfidently go upgrade your brakes now.... my brembos are bolted on both rear and front. Perfect fitments as long you buy a pair calliper adapters. Ohhh and the abs, and tie rods are remaind the same, no need modification.
Rear bolt on with brembos and evo rear rotors.
This what I did for the front;
-I cut out the dust shields with a dremel tool, I know they can be removed by taking the hub out but I dont have a hub remover tool.
-The front evo rotor need to be drilled with two 12mm holes in order for the rotor to flush agaisnt the 2 bolts on the hub.
-Knuckle ears need to be grind off a bit for the calliper adapters to be sit flat on both ears. Once its sit flat and secured down with a bottom nut/bolt, you can use the adapter to do a straight tap on top knuckle ear without removing knuckles from the car. Need to be tap out with m14 tap if could recall the correct size.
-Last thing you need to do mill out a small section on the front brembo callipers