Evolution 4G63 Engine Mechanical pdfs found


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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2006
Evolution 4G63 (2.0), 4 CYLINDER 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 6 CYLINDER 1.8, 2.0 Engine Mechanical 1995 - 2000

upon looking at the site I think someone in NZ is going to be making shiite loads on a individual break down of the Mitsu manual
see below
Engine Mechanical
Angular tightening application (section - $AUD 5.00)
Boring/horning cylinder block (section - $AUD 5.00)
Camshaft inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Compression pressure (section - $AUD 5.00)
Connecting rod (section - $AUD 5.00)
Connecting rod bearing clearance (section - $AUD 5.00)
Connecting rod bushing clearance (section - $AUD 5.00)
Crankshaft assembly (section - $AUD 5.00)
Crankshaft bearing clearance (section - $AUD 5.00)
Crankshaft inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Cylinder block (section - $AUD 5.00)
Cylinder block boring (section - $AUD 5.00)
Cylinder head (section - $AUD 5.00)
Cylinder head bolt tightening (section - $AUD 5.00)
Drive plate runout (section - $AUD 5.00)
Engine outer component parts (section - $AUD 5.00)
Engine removal (section - $AUD 5.00)
Flywheel runout (section - $AUD 5.00)
Hydraulic lash adjuster inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
intake manifold (section - $AUD 5.00)
Liquid gasket application (section - $AUD 5.00)
Oil pan (engine) (section - $AUD 5.00)
Oil seal replacement (engine) (section - $AUD 5.00)
Oversize piston (section - $AUD 5.00)
Pilot bushing replacement (section - $AUD 5.00)
Piston assembly (section - $AUD 5.00)
Piston pin inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Piston ring inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Piston to bore clearance (section - $AUD 5.00)
Sodium-filled exhaust valve disposal (section - $AUD 5.00)
Timing chain (section - $AUD 5.00)
Turbocharger (section - $AUD 5.00)
Valve guide inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Valve seat inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)
Valve spring inspection (section - $AUD 5.00)

now that what I call a great way to make some cash of us all funny enough isnt listed at all to buy the whole compleate manual :x
Im wondering how they get out of copyright laws selling off page by page of someone else interlectual propery rights
I have some PDFs on the 4G63 cover most things wiring etc. the only thing is they are all LHD (US) so the picks of the engine & dash are slightly different.

But most things are the same

only problem is I have about 200meg worth of PDfs to much to upload :lol:

Thats the ones, Damb thats easier than me uploading them.

I think I have other ones too, but they should get you out of trouble

I have the ecanfix ones as well but Im trying to find the jspec evo1-3 manuals might just have to wait for someone to hack there web site and download them all and start burning em.