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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
Just thought i'd share this with you guys as I know some of you were keen to make the funeral (which is in N.Z).

The EVO OZ guys are having a BBQ to celebrate Tom's life this sunday the 10rth of August. I will be going down.

Don't feel like you have to donate $50- im sure a $5 or $10 will go a long way, even if you never met the guy. Even if you cant donate, it would be good to see you there.

Any more questions, pm me.


"evomoe" said:
Lads, I've ogranise a BBQ on Sunday afternoon on August 10th at Yarra Bend in Memorial of Tom.

The details are below

What: BBQ/Meet/Donations:
Where: Yarra Bend Park, Yarra Bend Rd Fairfield (off Heidelberg Rd). Where last years big cruise/bbq was.
When: 1pm Sunday August 10th 2008

I've put this up for EvoOz members but everyone is more than welcome to come to this. It would be a great time for all us to unite together & commemorate our late Evo brother. It is a pretty central location for both South East & North/Western Suburbs people.
There will be a card for people to sign & donations box that will be passed to his family after the BBQ.

Hope to see you all there!

im trying to find a way there as been told my car is another two weeks away, so if anyone willing to give me a lift i will put in for petrol and all :D if worst comes to worst i will hire a car
Do we get to take the LOLO :p

at the momment im that desperate but i will get back to you by thursday the latest