Hi Matress, $190US equates to $451AU delivered to your door. I worked it out as:
$190US + $75US Shipping (as stated on EBay) = $365AU
No 10% Duty payable if the value is under $1000AU
Therefore VoTI = $365AU
Add 10% GST on top of it all = $401AU
Customs Admin fees = $50AU ($48.95)
Total = approx $451AU delivered to your door (depending on exchange rate on the day)
It's always best to buy a couple of items or more if you can keep the value under $1000AU to bypass the additional 10% duty. You must show a receipt of your purchase as well, an EBay print screen is good enough for Australian Customs. Admin fees are only $1.00 for each additional item after your first so its best to bring in more than one item at a time to save you $$ in the long run :wink:
Most places will accept Credit Card or PayPal transactions. Use PAYPAL at all times and NEVER give your Credit Card details to anyone! With all purchases overseas there's always an element of risk so stick with the big names (registered companies) and/or the big sellers with excellent feedback :wink: Customs will contact you within a few days after confirmation from the company that they have sent the goods, then it's paperwork time, and believe me, it is very daunting and confusing for first timers! :roll:
Australian suppliers would purchase bulk goods through Agents for a safer transaction and they have every right to charge more for the product as they need to make their profit and recover all their costs associated with insurance, freight, customs fees, duty, agents etc. If the price in Australia is way too expensive, then by all means you got the right as a consumer to save some $$$ but there's a few things you got to consider when buying from overseas - how much risk and stuffing around is worth $100? how quick do you need it? what if the product is faulty and do I have to return it to America? :roll:
I know that if something is worth $450AU to bring in from America, or its $550 to buy from an Aussie supplier, I'm going Aussie as its not worth $100 of my time going through the ********, headache, wait and risk associated with purchasing overseas for a measly $100 lol