Gearbox issues


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RVR 5th speed gearing = 0.666

GSR 5th speed gearing = 0.666

EVO I-III 5th speed gearing = 0.617 :thumbsup:

The EVO 5th gear is longer than RVR/GSR and will give you a bit lower revs at any given speed. So DONT change 5th gear in your already EVO gearbox!!

If you had an EVO gearbox and wanted to bring the ratios closer together from a 4th gear to 5th gear change, then you would put a RVR/GSR 5th gear in it. In which case you will need both 5th gear and the 5th gear sub gear that mates to it. You would do this change only if you had a circuit car. The evo gearing is pretty crap for highway cruising from the factory so you don't want to make it worse by swapping out the 5th gear for an even more unbearable one.

If you had a normal RVR/GSR gearbox then you would put an EVO 5th gear in it to make the legs even longer in 5th and to reduce the revs in 5th gear whilst highway cruising.
But because a normal RVR/GSR already have a different front diff ratio due to less teeth on the crownwheel, all the gears are already spread out more than an evo and make regular street driving more pleasant for a mass produced car.
Super Top said:
We've found a company in England that has a Evo3 LSD and non-LSD box for sale that are fine. The LSD box is only a bit more expensive than the non-LSD box.
If they also have the CV cups that go with the LSD box I'm going for the LSD one.
If you want to use the LSD CV "cup" (Tripod housing). You will need to modify your CV shaft to get it to work. I dont know the specifics, but the splines need to be re-cut. Aldo (Rockabilly) has done it.
After more than 2 years there's finally light on the horizon.

Finally we managed to source an Evo3 gearbox.
It's an Evo3 RS box. Gearbox code UPYE
The original HSGR code is UMGL

The Evo3 GSR box where I was searching for have the code UPGE .

What's the difference between the Evo3 RS box and the Evo3 GSR box?
And can I use the RS box on my HSGR?

I really hope so. I'm tired of this. I want to drive my RVR again after more than 2 years.

Edit: I probably also need the Evo3 RS transfer box don't I? Or is there more to it?