gsr 1.8 to a evo 2 motor???


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I dont get it.. Mid - high 12s are easily attained on an UNforged 4G93. If you have a forged one then you have the potential for low 11s or even 10s with the right bolt ons and tuning. An Evo 4G63 will get you low 12s to High 11s at best before you have to forge that too.

A properly built forged 4G93 has more potential than an UNforged 4G63.
yeah well i have upgraded evertything on my car... n i dont think i would get a 12.... hey i could be wrong i never did the 1/4 mile... whats wrong with the turbo i have now? T28 ball baring? i kinda know what u mean by getting a 2L evo... they dont have forged pistons... as mine does already... i'll see if i can get a stroker kit for mine... but having problems finding one... i want this done soon though, its pissing me off driving a HOLDEN!!!
what i remember reading from another forum (gsr-evo-club) i think was that the t28bb turbo has a little more power output then a vr4 td-05 14b turbo.. maybe a td05 big16g would make a difference or if you get serious a gt30r..
SXYGSR said:
yeah well i have upgraded evertything on my car... n i dont think i would get a 12.... hey i could be wrong i never did the 1/4 mile... whats wrong with the turbo i have now? T28 ball baring? i kinda know what u mean by getting a 2L evo... they dont have forged pistons... as mine does already... i'll see if i can get a stroker kit for mine... but having problems finding one... i want this done soon though, its pissing me off driving a HOLDEN!!!

Stroking a 4G93 is out, as is an agressive overbore. Most you can get is close to 1.9L with slightly oversised pistons before you run the danger of a piston popping over to its neighbour to say Hello.

All it takes is what I have listed in my profile in the Members rides section, hell people have run 12s on the stock TD04 here.
yeah they might say that they have run 12s but are they fulla

sure i have ran 7s lol

and i think he was talking about stroking the 4g63 but not sure
maccavr4 said:
yeah they might say that they have run 12s but are they fulla

sure i have ran 7s lol

and i think he was talking about stroking the 4g63 but not sure

Umm dude

SLOGSR ran 12.8 on the stock TD04
GO KAZ's old GSR ran 12.7
A small handfull others did aswell

Best I managed on the TD04 was 13.2 alas, clutch was letting me down (Leaky master cylinder syndrome). Its been done, plenty of times.
there was a clip on some site with a gsr with the td04 running a high 12.. i might have the clip somewhere on my comp..

as for your set up.. i think the main thing holding you back is the turbo..
mmm the turbo thats weired, i though it was a good one... well i might sell it then... i would only get $800 if thats for it??? whats a good turbo that will give me good KW's... like i have the fuel system n the CPU n i'm not getting the KW's i want...
TD04'z Lose puff 3rd gear......
Cheap alternative is TCO6 high flowed b4 i started i had one laggy at the start but pulled hard up top...

Have faith in the little 1.8ltr
Praise the lord :wink:
SXYGSR said:
mmm the turbo thats weired, i though it was a good one... well i might sell it then... i would only get $800 if thats for it??? whats a good turbo that will give me good KW's... like i have the fuel system n the CPU n i'm not getting the KW's i want...

Think $800 might be pushing it a little maybe $500 if its in good condition.
na its on the standard manifold... gay i know... i blew the turbo gasket while i was on the track... the turbo is still fine... so i might upgrade turbo n stroke the 1.8L... see how thats goes... still not what i'm after might do more work to the fuel system... thanks for ya help!
I'd leave the 1.8 forged how it is, just fix up what's wrong with it. Slap a td05-16g on it and you'll be as happy as larry. Bigger injectors (510cc's or bigger), bigger fuel pump, port the manifold to fit the turbo and you're on your way.....oh and a tune.
yeah ok i have $4000 to spend... what would a big 16g turbo or what ever set me back... the most prob i have if finding the items... like i wanna stroker kit cut i dont know any place in Melbourne that does em...
You cant increase the stroke of a 4G93 like ive said before. Its stroke is allready very long and is one of the contributing factors in the standard rods letting go.

A TD05 16g goes for around the $500 mark over here, I assume it'd be similar in Aussie

As mentioned before. For $4k i'd slap on a 16g and have it dyno tuned. Then spend the change on Gas :lol:
Stop burning your cash on bigger turbo's. Upgrade your turbo if and ONLY if you current one is running past 100% capacity. All your'e doing is giving yourself the illusion of more power with a far greater increase in lag.

You'll find if you spend the cash in the right places you can get far more out of your turbo than you think.
t28's don't have that much puff and for the times he wants to run a bigger turbo would be need i think..