we are a haltech dealer not listed on the site because we need to sell hundreds of systems per year, but we are on their system as an official dealer, we have been a dealer for ages also authorized to offer clubs and good customers discounts.we have tuned a variety of models; n/a ch lancer, ce turbo conversion, VL commodore, r33 skylines, s13, s14, s15, sw20 mr2's jza70/80 supra,
I prefer the older E models for simplicity like
Geo&Kez said they are good value for money and they do everything most people would ever need, the next step up is a big step $$$$$$$$
never had an issue with Mitsubishi installs , idle steppers work good , proportional, integral and derivative can take a while to get right, Mitsubishi hall effect sensors and haltech work really well together
we have had some issues with cheap side feed injectors on supra and sw20 mr2 installs, replaced them with good quality injectors and gremlins went away
sw20 mr2 3sge and 3sgte with magnetic reluctor distributors need to be converted to magna hall effect, otherwise rpm signal is erratic and when held 3000 rpm will bounce to 3500 and back to 3000, makes it impossible to tune those sites and ugly drivability in that part of the map, has happened with one of our wire ins and two other vehicles using plug in patch looms made for sw20, I have heard fc3s and fd3s have similar issues same goes for 4agze,4age.
Its a universal affordable unit and it would be impossible to cater for every single type of injector, sensor, ignition input,, if the ignition input it so **** that haltech can't decipher a clean ref and sync signal then you probably can't rely on that sensors input anyway, unless you own a $$$$$ ecu.
We are not allowed to advertise discounted prices on our website or ebay, If you need something let me know and I try my best to get you a better deal, of course we make a little for out time but in the end you get it cheaper and everyone is happy, some discounts can be substantial, even a mixed item group buy would work in our favour.