Heating AirCon Fan issue


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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
About 2years ago, my aircon in my yellow plate E1 worked, but barely. It would only just cool and on a 30Deg day it was mostly useless.

I thought it needed regassing, so my mechanic had a radiator/ aircon place come and look at it. They said I was on old gas, and a re-gas would need a new compressor so total cost might be somewhere near $400. They also replaced a fan relay - and what do you know, aircon worked awesome again - max cool worked brilliantly.

So, a year on, and the fan seems to run out of puff again in a very similar way- max fan just isn't. I stop at an auto electrician, and they say the fan relays are fine.

The symptoms are:
fan doesn't blow very powerfully, when moving from feet to face, to windscreen fan, it doesn't "completely" isolate the air/ Eg. max cool face only still has air blowing out of the feet and the windscreen.

I've had one suggestion that the motor that moves the air from one zone to another might not be opening or closing correctly.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Them telling you that a regas to r134 requiring a new compressor is bull all you need are new shrader vavles to match the new gassers and a new dryer unit.
You are meant to change all the seals at pipe junctions and at front of pump and the dryer as well. I think this is to get rid of all the old refridge oil or maybe the new gas eats the old oil.

Old gas is best.

But, pull your fan out and bench test it. Or drop it down and spin it by hand. Maybe the bearings are tight or the brushes are worn.
You should be able to see the flappers working. The recirc one is behind glovebox, or under it. The feet face screen one is above clutch pedal near back of stereo. Ish
But you have climate control so this is a guide as im not familiar. Just see if it has full travel.
Someone knocked the dvd touch screen pointer down the dash centre vents on my car and that stuffed up the vent movements.

But try fixing fan first. Even just drop it down and test. It should get 12v on full speed.
I'ld like to know of a better fan for our CC Lancers too. The OEM one just isn't flowing enough air even when all the vents etc are working properly.
Im wondering if there is a way to make them spin faster? Or if there is a fan motor from another later model that will work?
Anyone sussed out a CE Lancer or newer fan?
THanks for that Jack of all.

Khubner, I can't remember if the shop said compressor - I just thought it was that. They didn't seem like they were taking me for ride (entirely anyway) but it was going to cost about $400 total.

The thing was, that this time it felt same as last time when they fixed the fan relay. Maybe Evo -oox that is what's going on with yours??
EVO-00X said:
I'ld like to know of a better fan for our CC Lancers too. The OEM one just isn't flowing enough air even when all the vents etc are working properly.
Im wondering if there is a way to make them spin faster? Or if there is a fan motor from another later model that will work?
Anyone sussed out a CE Lancer or newer fan?
Works awesome in a small ute cab.
I suppose you are getting full battery volts at fan on high.
Other than that, I dunno. We need to change to 18v. That will fix heaps of issues
So I've had a look and the little motor above the footwell doesn't completely move "all the way" to blocking air at footwell,f ace or window. I have to manually push it that little further.

Is it simply a matter of cleaning mechanism, or can the little individual motor run out of puff??