Hey guys,
A cop pulled me over the other day, he was as nice as a cop could be doing his job, didnt defect me just told me somethings that needed to be changed. he had paperwork to back it up.
Anyway he told me my sterring wheel, which is an EVO 1 wheel, was not ADR aproved, as it didnt ahve the little triangle with two '3' inside it. I swear it is though! anywhere that i can find or get paper work for to show it is, just so i can have it as proof.
A cop pulled me over the other day, he was as nice as a cop could be doing his job, didnt defect me just told me somethings that needed to be changed. he had paperwork to back it up.
Anyway he told me my sterring wheel, which is an EVO 1 wheel, was not ADR aproved, as it didnt ahve the little triangle with two '3' inside it. I swear it is though! anywhere that i can find or get paper work for to show it is, just so i can have it as proof.