hesitation/splutter/cranking/AirCon questions..


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Your boost reading is also taken from the wrong place. Therea re at least 20 threads on here on where to take it from properly, also i think one of them is a sticky. Basically, you grab the FPR vac line off the timing side of the intake manifold. It should be almost underneath your fuel rail and about at cylinder 2's injector. The cyclone E nipple or A or P nipple whichever one you've chosen to use will give you a bogus high reading.

Also, you've got a massive intake leak. unchipped ecu with a b16g on 15psi = boost cut every time. Even in 2nd. Let alone 3rd or 4th or god forbid 5th.
no worries... i have been takin it from the cyclone port... i'll chuck it in the FPR one and see how that goes...

i have a feeling that i may have a split vac hose or cooler pipe somewhere. i'll do a pressure test on it and see what it turns up...

thanks for your help guys! it is really much appreciated!
kayarubin said:
no worries... i have been takin it from the cyclone port...
If everything is working as it should, and as it came from the factory, the cyclone actuator should only see either constant vacuum or atmospheric pressure, it should not see positive boost pressure at all.

I have always avoided using the fpr signal for the boost gauge (or anything else for that matter). My concern was if the hose to your boost gauge broke, came off, leaked etc, then your fpr would not see the correct amount of boost and you fuel pressure would also then not be correct and could cause a lean out. A chance I would rather not take.

i have a feeling that i may have a split vac hose or cooler pipe somewhere. i'll do a pressure test on it and see what it turns up...

Let us know the outcome of the pressure test.
still havent had any time to do a pressure test, but i was wondering if having that air cleaner element oil on my air flow meter would make her carry on in the high rev range...? as i have recently cleaned my k&n filter and used that filter oil on it...

any theories? and do the mitsu afm's like being cleaned out?
VR4 airlfow meters measure air turbulence, filter oil doesn't affect them what so ever. It is usually only the hot wire airflow meters that don't like it that much.

But in any case, if you have filter oil on your afm, then you put too much oil on your filter.
oh yeah fair enuf.. yeah i reckon i put a little too much on also.. lol..

i changed the afm over anyway and its working slightly better down low revs... but still no cigar...

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