VR4 A'Spec
CLuTZ said:
Jezuz he is an absoulute idiot, he lost his arm and knows the consequences of being a ******** in the car and still continues to do the same stuff...
CLuTZ said:
7 gen said:just a quick note about 18 months ago in a sydney based jap forum, a member who was also a police officer ,went for a drive with a few other members - the following week he issued epa infrigement notices -these cars where heavily modded and the affected owners ended up deregistering the cars in question the officer also drives a modded car which he returned back to stock after the debarcle
ENGINR said:Hands up anybody here who is a Police Officer...
You have to divulge or it's entrapment!!!
7 gen said:just a quick note about 18 months ago in a sydney based jap forum, a member who was also a police officer ,went for a drive with a few other members - the following week he issued epa infrigement notices -these cars where heavily modded and the affected owners ended up deregistering the cars in question the officer also drives a modded car which he returned back to stock after the debarcle
htgsr said:an the world would be a better place if some were left in them while being crushed in my opinion
htgsr said:Thats so **** what a scum bag!!!!
Iwas talking to a mate who owns another forum last night an we were talking about these new first offence crushing laws There has been 7 "hoon" related deaths this year right. There has been about 70 "alcohol" related car deaths ppl who drink drive shold be the ones getting there fkn cars crushed an the world would be a better place if some were left in them while being crushed in my opinion
tenji` said:Dibby dobbers are a dog act.