Well guys, I have been done hooning 6 months ago (waiting to get my license back this Friday) It was my fault no denying it, I am happy I was caught racing in the streets. Its made me more aware of how stupid and irresponsible I was.
I think there are up's and down's with these law's, the upside is to teach young drivers a lesson, that there is a time and place for everything. The bad side is when drivers are picked on for
looking like a hoon... i.e. Evolutions, Skylines, WRX.. etc...
They do need to be more aware that its not only performance cars that can do burn out's, drifting or driving fast... as far as im concerned any kid that wants to do "hooning" they can do it in any car they drive. I live on the Gold Coast and the cops here are absolutely ridicules at giving people a fine for their revenue Brisbane cops on the other hand have actually been promoting modified cars... The cops currently have a drift and drag car believe it or not, there is also an event held some Thursday nights for car enthusiasts to meet and socialise. It doesnt matter how modified the car maybe the cops leave them alone (as long as they dont do any racing, burn outs drifting etc)
I wish they have events like this all over Australia the amount of hoon drivers might be reduce, as they are in a controlled environment.
Anyway thats my 2 cents on hooning laws lol...