Hoon Laws


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the hoon hotline has been around for awhile...

ive seen signs n stickers in my area since early last year.
CLuTZ said:
The next cop car I see hooning without its lights on, is going to get dobbed in.

2 can play at this game. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha yes they can, I have done just this with the dob in a crim hotline, speed camera sitting up the road from my house. Call hotline report suspicious man sitting in car watching traffic, patrol car turns up and asks operator questions. Was very nice to see the system working on true crims.
Can someone post up some documentation on this law or description of what it is please? I would just claim that your vehicle wasnt in the area at the time. What proof do they have? In a legal sense its just an allegation and they simply cant incriminate or fine you as no evidence = no offence. Its more hollow scare tactics via bluffing IMO to make the idea of being 'dobbed in' play on your mind and in your subconcious whilst driving. The Police physical presence makes it look like they are enforcing some kind of law but if push comes to shove its probably just threats that big brother is watching you and nothing more :lol:
This topic came up for discussion at one of our rally car club meetings. 2 of our senior members are police officers. They stated that all the police can do is investigate a complaint, they cannot act or issue anything unless the officers see the said "hooning" happen with their own eyes. I don't believe the cops would be too please about wasting their time on "hoon" stake outs either.
Well guys, I have been done hooning 6 months ago (waiting to get my license back this Friday) It was my fault no denying it, I am happy I was caught racing in the streets. Its made me more aware of how stupid and irresponsible I was.

I think there are up's and down's with these law's, the upside is to teach young drivers a lesson, that there is a time and place for everything. The bad side is when drivers are picked on for looking like a hoon... i.e. Evolutions, Skylines, WRX.. etc...

They do need to be more aware that its not only performance cars that can do burn out's, drifting or driving fast... as far as im concerned any kid that wants to do "hooning" they can do it in any car they drive. I live on the Gold Coast and the cops here are absolutely ridicules at giving people a fine for their revenue Brisbane cops on the other hand have actually been promoting modified cars... The cops currently have a drift and drag car believe it or not, there is also an event held some Thursday nights for car enthusiasts to meet and socialise. It doesnt matter how modified the car maybe the cops leave them alone (as long as they dont do any racing, burn outs drifting etc)

I wish they have events like this all over Australia the amount of hoon drivers might be reduce, as they are in a controlled environment.

Anyway thats my 2 cents on hooning laws lol... :)
if they spent the money they did on this on events like track days driver training and so on there would be alot less people doing it on the streets
its all b/s
coz we've got a p-plate on we'll get dobbed in for overtaking or sumthing.
hey its worked for all the **** out there being idiots,
but for those who are sensible but who go for the occassional squirt, we'll probably get done for something.
rob323 said:
This topic came up for discussion at one of our rally car club meetings. 2 of our senior members are police officers. They stated that all the police can do is investigate a complaint, they cannot act or issue anything unless the officers see the said "hooning" happen with their own eyes. I don't believe the cops would be too please about wasting their time on "hoon" stake outs either.

yep cant do much but then they blacklist your car n have your plates on file so when they do see you on the streets its always random checks aiming to find something defective.
Well then cant we add as many cars to this blacklist as we can.... then every car on the road is on the blacklist the list become ineffective. We will always be under the eye due to the appearance of our cars, but thats how it is we cant avoid that. But we can claw it back to how it was before the dob a hoon rubbish started.
cops have always had a list though everytime you get pulled over that will go agenst the car even if you dont have a criminal recored everything you have done is still keept on file

so i dont see this as a new thing more as a way for the public to think they have more powers now whats next??
stop hanging around cop infested areas. if you drive normally chances are cops won't pull you over.

and with that new law, they can't do anything except go investigate it and if nothings found, nothing happens, unless video footage or something is taken.
I was thinking along the lines of what Windex's is saying as well, or something like the boy who cried wolf :lol: The only people gullible enough to believe they can enforce a fine without evidence are young P-Platers. They probably paid a psychologist $250,000 to come up with that :lol: