How and why you should fight ALL fines – by an ex-Police Sergeant.


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How and why you should fight ALL fines – by an ex-Police Sergeant.

Posted by nesaraaustralia ⋅ September 22, 2012⋅ 73 Comments
Filed Under current-events, government, police prosecutor, traffic camera office

My name is Stan.
I am a retired Sergeant of Police in Victoria for 14 years. I was also a police prosecutor at times, so I know what I am talking about. I spent half my life in Magistrates Court during my time in the Force. I was only ever a very fair copper, and I am proud of my time in the job, looking after the interests of Victorians, often to the detriment of my family and my health.

I never booked any driver for a trifling offence “ever”. People committing trifling offences commonly used to get a warning and a licence / vehicle check. It had to be serious before I booked anyone.

I am so annoyed at what is happening these days, in what I call “Indiscriminate revenue gathering” It is absolutely disgusting. The government and the Police Force need to hang their heads in shame. If you did a survey of current serving members of the police forces in this country, you would be hard pushed to find many who disagree with me.

I know how the legal system works, and I know how to beat the system. This is how to do it, and if about 10% of all drivers booked follow my specific instructions, then the entire system will crash and become unworkable to the extent, that the government will have no choice but to stop issuing fines for every type of traffic offence. The whole lot of them.

I do not feel guilty about coming out with this information, as I think it’s about time someone stood up for hard working, civil minded, law abiding taxpayers in this country, who are being screwed.
This is very simple and very basic. The idea is to clog up the system in the traffic camera office and the courts by drivers exercising their rights to remain innocent until proven guilty.

1. Do not accept the alleged offence. There are numerous valid reasons to dispute every single alleged offence. Often the charges are incorrect or the evidence is illegally or incorrectly gathered.

2. Challenge it, tell them that you are going to defend the matter. Make them earn their miserable $150 or $200 or whatever. They have to prepare evidence and witnesses. Just the wages for the camera operator or the Policeman on the day of the court, will be more than the actual fine. You are also taking a camera operator or a member of the Police Force off the street for the day. But it won’t get to that point… on….

3. If a court date is ever set, and it does not suit you, do not accept it, ask for a delay to a time and place that suits you.

4. When they re set the date, delay it as often as possible. keep pleading not guilty all through the process. You have every right to be sick, or go for an adjournment if the day does not suit for any legitimate reason. For example you may have pressing family or work commitments which prevent you from attending a particular court on a particular day.

5. If it ever actually gets to court, (which is unlikely if everyone does this) and if you are unwell that day, ring the court in the morning and tell them that you cannot make it as you are sick. The camera operator, and a police prosecutor will already be at court, and will be greatly inconvenienced, by having to come back another day. The whole time this is going on, the amount of paperwork involved at the traffic camera office is huge. Several staff are involved, and it rapidly becomes very costly, probably running into thousands. …..with me so far…..keep reading…….

6. The court system is then placed under such a massive load by people who wanted “their day in court” that it simply will not be able to cope unless they open up about another 50 magistrates courts, and this is obviously going to cost the government a lot more than any revenue raised. If all the above fails, which is highly unlikely….and you actually go to court and get convicted……you have a right of appeal. Make sure you appeal the conviction. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see what happens. They are not going to spend millions chasing hundreds.

7 Tell everyone you know to challenge their alleged offences, and the entire system will crash within a few weeks.

UPDATE: I receive this through an email today, so for all readers:
That is taken DIRECTLY from a PAID, Members ONLY website of ours – accordingly, we require you to please credit us with this e-mail. It took us a LOT of work to get that ex-police officer to write such a detailed e-mail and, whilst we obviously encourage people to fight back against their fines, we would like them to do so with our step-by-step system to do that, which is detailed in our 85 page e-book.
Accordingly, please explain that to people on your website or, at the very least, direct people to our website for further details.
We thank you for your co-operation.

The Team at Aussie Speeding Fines
Authors of – “Speeding Fines – What You REALLY Need to Know!”
E-mail: [email protected]
A friend of mine is doing exactly this at the moment, for an alledged DUI offence where he was stopped in his driveway after getting out of the car, to which he was told to get back in, he then refused as he was home. As he had returned home and was not in the car he could then not be breath tested. Officer then made him perfrorm a sobriety test to which he passed although it was still the officers' opinion that he was under the influence. Onto his 3rd court appearance this week, 1st a not guilty plea, 2nd an adjournment for a brief of evidence to be processed and passed onto the defence, and the 3rd to be the matter actually heard.

Funnily enough the officer was alone, and yet claims that he has 2 witnesses that the driver was under the influence, hmm sus much. Even still how can they get a conviction based on an opinion(s) and not factual evidence. The only way I could see it, is that there is witness accounts of and/or video evidence of the number of drinks consumed over X ammount of time before getting behind the wheel. I was with him and I have no idea how many drinks he had had, as it's not my responsibility and he left from my house to travel literally 2 streets away.

Should be intersting to see what comes of it. Furthermore had he just copped it sweet, there's a criminal record and big dirty black mark next to his name come insurance
I have fought the last two charges thrown at me and won both when the coppers were adamant your wasting your time fighting these charges Pfft
disclaimer: On the spot fine is 10% of the maximum penalty. A QC once said to me everytime you walk into a court room there is a risk. This letter is a great idea PROVIDING the Magistrates maintain the status quo and doesn't decide to make a few examples of people or is a little bit grumpy. Your day can change VERY quickly.

enough people on board will merely create a new normal where you choose to go to court and the Magistrate makes you reget the decision by merely moving up in the penalty range.

to the guy who's mate drove pissed you got lucky and got home safe well done, but he used 1 more chance.
Tell your mate to test the effects of alcohol by downing a 6 pack and then jumping in the ring with someone they are fairly equal with and see if he wants to drive after a few again (if his feeling brave I'll clean his clock for him)
fug, I got fined by the Wellington road east link camera around the time the police officer hit the news and got away with a caution but, not being popo myself, was not afforded the same treatment even tho' asking nicely. I was on cruze so know I was not speeding but got told FU pay up. So I might just take these additional steps next time. Thanks for the heads up. Timely community service announcement IMO (down with "indirect road tax" up with people power) :)