How to not break a centre diff!


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Apr 2, 2005
Brisbane - Southside
Weld the little bugger up!

Lol at you lot. Corners are easy unless they are tight!
Plus this car isn't made for cornering prowess, just straight lines :p

The second box that I have here will have a 4 spider in it for twisty stuff. I am getting way too good at replacing gearboxes :unsure:
That sucks Barry!
I've made sure that my 3rd and 4th gears are nicely dressed before the box goes back together. I'm also using the shim specs that Tim Zimmerman posted :)
Any pics of the carnage mate? If you go for a dog box want to sell me your spool?
obviously welding it will make it stronger but wont it put stress on other parts? shafts? splines etc, just like in a rwd with a locker the rear axle splines can bind up and skip splines etc? had it happen to me in a previous car. just at slow speeds turning sometimes it would clunk and skip a few splines. had track setup suspension and tyre combo and was really grippy!!
its the one out of my street car i drive it every day it wasnt to bad would just spin the two inside wheels when u turned.its fun that was on street slicks just got a bit scary under full power going round a corner, just wanted to go straight,if any one wants them welded just let me no iv got the measurments even if u have broken spider gears.
I've got a locked centre spool and it isn't very friendly if you drive the car everyday.

You do get used to it, but lots of noise during tight turns.
As you said, hopping/skipping/bouncing during tight turns.

While driving, you really don't feel it (higher speeds) but low speeds are very annoying.

I reckon it puts alot of stress on CV's (I've broke 3 already at low speeds).
If I were to do it again, I'd get an aftermarket centre diff (clutch type)
So far this is all we have.

I have a video of it breaking on the dyno! LOL
I'm glad its not the engine!

In a way I was expecting the box to die. I was just hoping that it wouldn't!


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dyno vid please :)

i think that box is goooooooone... before i opened the oil pan pic i thought you took a some snaps of your toilet bowl after a few turds lol

nice metal chunks on the magnet too...!!!

only doing 3000rpm in 4th.
It's had plenty of runs in 4th in the past (over 30) without any issues all making over 300kw's at the wheels.

I just got in contact with Shep trans, hopefully I'll get an email with pricing etc
gutted... hopefully it isnt too pricey for the replacement.. on a side note the sound of your car gives me a woody.. just sounds so smooth and tough
Fark that, it wasnt loaded up much at all in 4th. Tough luck Baz :(
Let us know if they have any stronger options for it (or whether their stronger option is just the same lol)