I Cant Believe it!


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this guy needs a lesson he wont forget.........sue him for all he has.

contact the police to get his contact details ao that you can ask him if he is insured.
Lets be honest, if he's going to drive off and he doesn't care about smashing his car up even more to get away, and he doesn't care about driving drunk with no license, suing him for everything will net a broken EA.

Although (I don't know how it works with things like cars) if the damage is over a certain amount, the government will pay you then he will have to pay them back (one of my friends is suing a woman who stole over 30,000 dollars from him and that's what his lawyer said will happen)
just got phoned from the cops.

they went around to the vehicles licensed address, obviously he wasnt there, so now its been referred to the crash unit, which will take a few months to get a follow up.

it has been registered against his license, so next time he gets pulled over he gets arrested apparently.
well after a few months, i finally got called from the crash unit.

they have caught the guy and he is being charged with

Driving while disqualified
Careless Driving
Leaving the seen of an accident

he may get charged with drinking and driving as he said he cant remember crashing as he was so drunk...

what a loser...

isnt Careless driving worse than Reckless?
it'll buff right out :D lol.

Seriously, once in my GGSR i got WIPED OUT in a roundabout, had an old Falcon 500 come thru @ 60 and tbone my front left wheel... looked much teh same as that honestly, i drove the car away that's how tough they are...s teerign was a little out tho lol. Poor bastard who hit me ended up hugging his engine block as it tore free of the mounts and went thru the firewalla nd landed on his passenger seat, lucky it didn't kill him honestly.

Car was repaired without too much issue :)

Still it's a big kick in the nuts, but it's a long way from a writeoff. GGSR's are tough as nails. I slammd one into a bunch of trees at 130kmh and tore the trees out of teh ground, got wiped out in a roundabout, slid down a hill and slapped the **** out of my mates car in a few. Ahh the things you do when you're 18 and think they're a rally car.
Entaran said:
Still it's a big kick in the nuts, but it's a long way from a writeoff. GGSR's are tough as nails. I slammd one into a bunch of trees at 130kmh and tore the trees out of teh ground, got wiped out in a roundabout, slid down a hill and slapped the **** out of my mates car in a few. Ahh the things you do when you're 18 and think they're a rally car.

Jeez man, that some insane driving there hahah
So its fucken happened again... :(

about 9pm last night, was making my way to bed, when i heard a V8 skidding up around the corner, next second a big BANG!

poked my head out my bedroom window and saw a white VT shape commo reversed into my brick wall.

i sprinted from my room out the front door, as i fumbled to unlock the garage i heard him drop D and race up the road cutting people off.

i had a hammer in my hand too, was gunna **** him and his car up!

******* brillant, off to make another police report!
to4garret said:
i had a hammer in my hand too, was gunna **** him and his car up!!
At least you learnt from the beer bottle not working last time.:rolleyes:
That poor wall already been rebuilt once!!! I so hate parking my car there:thumbsdown:
I think you should do some excavations on your front yard, try and find the ******* magnet and get it as far away from your house as possible :lol:
I reckon you need a gravel trap there lol. It might just slow them down enough like on the race tracks. Surely you/your street could put a petition together, with all this evidence you could get either the **** club moved or some sort of safety thing.
Jonson said:
I reckon you need a gravel trap there lol. It might just slow them down enough like on the race tracks. Surely you/your street could put a petition together, with all this evidence you could get either the **** club moved or some sort of safety thing.

Or a spike strip in the nature strip :thumbsup: