Send a letter to the Road Safety Manager in Vic Roads in your area. Advise your concerns including photographs and past history of what has happened. Tell him/her that you have concerns for the safety of your kids and other pedestrians on the nature strip. Saying that your kids regularly play football on the grass or play outside the boundary fence on the grass will give your case more ammunition. If it was happening in NSW theyd install speed humps and **** in the street to get cars to slow down, or guardrail on your corner. Once VicRoads receive your written correspondence they have to respond to you. They cant respond until they send a Road Safety Officer out on site to investigate, talk to you, look up any speeding fine data in the area or crash stats etc. If they find its a worthy cause they will bring it up in Road Safety Committee meetings with the Council and local Police. Here in NSW the RTA will provide the Council with extra funding to carry out the works. Else, plant some trees there man, I would.