I think i phucked something


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Bird Nerd
Jun 14, 2005
hrmmmmm :?

took out my exhaust silencer today, went for a drive tonight. Boost spiking at 17psi.

3rd gear, around 6k rpm, and i hear something BAD, and see a puff of smoke in the rear view.

car still runs fine, but im scared to push it again now.

should i be worried? :(
if it was a dark/Black colour then you have nothing to worry bout, it's just fuel.
Sounds like you hit a boost cut maybe & puffed out a cloud of over fuel. But when it does that you dont hear anything.
What was the noise you heard?
Do you know what detonation (Pinging) sounds like?
spiking up to 17 psi hey?
What ECU are you running & what size injectors/fuel pump?
What type of car is it? VR4, GSR, EVO?
you probably hit boost cut...

was it a nasty THUMP!!!
car felt like it hit something?

if so, just drop the boost, if u'v damaged something then it should not be running in my opinion or running rough
When i had my 4G93 engine in my GSR i had:
Evo 3 turbo
Evo 3 Intercooler
Evo 3 Piping
Evo 3 Injectors
Modified ECU
And a few other mods.

My boost spiked to about 17-18psi while i was under load one night and i bent a rod... take it from an ex 93 owner... if you have done serious damage then you would really know about it!

how can i turn the boost down? it aint running any form of boost control at all, which means that standard boost for the turbo in there is what its reading now yes? in which case a bent rod is probably on the cards..... :(

i have one of those GFB atomic single stage boost controllers here, but that would only tunr the boost up and not down true?
It must have some form of boost controll.... surely the factory waste gate must stop it by 1 bar.... If not theres something wrong there big time. Have you disconected your boost controll solarnoid? If you have hook it back up that should help control the boost. When i bent a rod my engine bay was covered in oil and i also wound up with oil all down the side of my car aswell :?

the front of my block is covered in oil, underneath the exhaust manifold......

what boost do EVO3s run standard? cos thats what mine would be running, if not a little more due to the dump pipe.....
On an E3 Turbo with out my EBC on i run a stocky boost level of around 11psi i have a dump, POD and 3" Zuast.
Some one cut in if im wrong here which i prolly am.... but maybe it could be the waste gate not opening properly could be sorta stuck shut and not opening under the right pressures?
Prolly not as i believe that a boost controller works by fooling the waste gate into believing there is less pressure than there actually is. I dont think you could use the controller to fool it into thinking there is more pressure as it is only a valve effectivly and will not increase pressure to help open the waste gate.
thanks for your help bud..... :wink:

so do i

i think its time to start engine hunting anyways......... a 4G63 maybe? (have i seen the light :p )

well see.....