Idling issues


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Dec 3, 2009
SE Melbourne
Hi All,

Having a few things happen to my evo 1 when my car is idling:

1. idles rough when cold and sits around 900 revs

2. when its warmed up for about 5 mins or so the revs start to fluctuate between 1500 and when it peaks it immediately drops to 1000 revs and just keeps seesawing.

3. lightly touching accellerator drops my revs dramatically almost sounds like its cutting out, but this might be because of the big exhaust leak from the underside of my exhaust manifold (new gasket going in hopefully fixes it). I can get around this problem by keeping my revs up but could be linked to the other problems.

I spoke to Alex/evopwr he told me to change my spark plugs to correct evo ones to try fix the idling issue but does anyone know which ones to buy?

thanks in advance
try cleaning the idle speed motor, found under the throttlebody
use something like carby cleaner but try not to spray directly into the motor, also clean the port to which it fits in, and the throttle body assembly.

you may still have a bad idle speed motor but this will at lease cross one thing off the list!

I dont think plugs are your problem.

try unplugging the idle motor and see if the idle is stable!
Ok i found im running BKR6E NGK spark plugs does this sound about right?

I geuss I'll start with cleaning the idle speed motor then BISS

Liberoz can you please explain what ISC is? and is it an easy fix?
ISC is Idle Stepper Control. You may need to remove your throttle body and rebuild it with fresh seals.
Check out the vfaq site, the tech write ups are pretty good.
thanks for your help ENGINR ill have a look, and thanks everyone else too for your help

ENGINR said:
ISC is Idle Stepper Control. You may need to remove your throttle body and rebuild it with fresh seals.
Check out the vfaq site, the tech write ups are pretty good.
As Libs said.
All t/bs that haven't been freshened up yet would definitely have stuffed t/b shaft seals...
i possibly fixed the same Idleing issues by changing the AirFlowMeter with one from a Sigma(AFM 609) had to re set the BISS after that cause it ran way to high ;)
I fixed the problem a while ago the idle stepper control was dirty i think, just disassembled it and gave it a clean with throttle body cleaner.

cheers for all your replies