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Mar 11, 2006
Dont know where to post this so more it at will :D

Well guys
I got pickup by the jacks tonight. No Pplates no reg (please do not preach to me), Driving on a suspended license,

So I am pretty much screwed but I will not lose my car which is a bonuses. So after going to the pub and getting sloshed I have now come to the decision to pull apart the evo engine and do it up as much as can be over the next couple of year as this will be the only thing that will stop me driving it :lol:

So tonight I pulled the piping out and the heat shield of the turbo and I also pulled the rocker cover off. I will be pulling the hole engine out I have decided and doing it properly as I have made a friend at work that did his apprentice at Mitsubishi, so he tells me he will be able to help me do all of the stuff.

So the build begins :twisted:

Planes are to go as extreme as possible blueprinted bottom end and forged (if you can), con rods, forged sealed pistons, cams, massive porting, fuel system, camgears,injectors,flywheel,clutch,turbo,piping,exhaust manifold, exhaust, diffs,gearbox,roll cage, pretty much set the engine up to run NOS as safly as possible

Pretty much I am going to spend every spare penny on this car over the next few years and I will leave no bolt untouched\\
I want to get this car into the 10s at least, and I will spend the cash to do so!

Im pretty much doing this to stop me from driving and getting locked up and I think that it wouldnt be a total waste of time as the body/paint/interior on this car is immaculate (doesn?t mean I wont give it a bit of a nip and tuck

So does anyone have any advice before I get underway

Do you think that it would be wise to do it to a evo or vr4 engine? I currently have a evo engine, is there anyway shore fire way to get rid of crankwalk?
Well I wish ya all the best with the car and shit, but if your going to spend alot of money on the car, please pay rego and at least some sort of insurance.

I know you said not to flame you, but if you smashed into property or a person you would be totally screwed, especially when you shouldnt be driving. Consider yourself lucky. Not worth the risk :S (Not flaming, just saying)

Anyways, dre would be the best person to ask about vr4 vs evo engines i would assume. Theres been many threads about it. 7 bolt evo vs 6 bolt vr4, crank walk, availability of parts etc. Personally i think i favour a vr4 engine, well, for now, unless someone convinces me otherwise :)
on there is a shitload of info, aye bro!

i thought your motor was already built though? with forgies and stuff...

why not just do a big turbo/manifold/cooler upgrade?
yeah it is but the bottem end isint and i will just do it to keep it off the road longer so i carnt drive it that and the fact that errol biult the engine and i dont trust that engine enough to run big big power
Same boat as you man.. pretty much exactly the same.. lol.

I say go for gold, but before throwing all the money at it, thought about buying a house or something? I dunno, just an option.

If you want help in the journey with your car give us a bell.

I can help with spelling and punctuation, so these grammar nazi's get off your back aswell :lol:

Whatever you do, dont pull your car apart. Sell it.

I know it might sound stupid but its going to take alot more than you think to turn your VR4 into a 10 second car.

Even if you do want to go through with it, there's no way you'd be wanting to drive your 10 second VR4 on the street, cos you'll get flogged by the jacks again. and again.

Dont waste a road rego'd VR4 by modding it beyond its roadworthy limits, without knowing that one day the only street it'll be seeing will be on the back of a trailer.

If I were you, i'd sell the car, save all the money you can, and buy a car that has already had the works done to it. It'll save you $20-30,000

If your sure you want to build a 10 second race car, sell your VR4, buy a race/rally only EVO 2 or 3 and start from there, a base platform EVO would be a better place to start looking for 10 second quarters than a mildly modded VR4..........

Its sad to say, but thats the reason why I sold my VR4, but instead of getting an EVO, I got something a little more stealth/original..........

agreed with dre

keep your vr4 the daily

go for a borg or evo for a 10 second weapon!!.. trailer queen...

to get a vr4 into the 10's makes it barely street legal in regards to weight and safety...
I agree with Dre and Baz.. ive been thru the whole scenario too.. Its not worth spending money on ur VR4.. in the end of the day it will still be a VR4 and just a weekend car.

Get something like an evo.. ive spent maybe $4000 all up after buying my car and its a weapon on the street and i drive it daily to and from work.. it see's a genuine 300-400km a week.

On a side note.. if you want to still do a build.. wanna sell me the evo block and ill give u a VR4 block and some cash ;)

if you have oodles of cash, go for it...
if u want a cheap/quick way to running 10's, buy a series 1-3 RX7 :wink:
Guys I really am a bit depressed :(
You see I can?t even sell my vr4 for 8grand and I have spent 20 already on it. So I am thinking that im never going to sell it for what I won?t so I might as well keep it. The problem is I want it to be very very very quick. I know it isn?t worth doing as I will never get any money back.

so my question is if I was to go though with this then would I be better of with the vr4 engine?
If so Jon if I pull the evo engine out do you want to swap long engines (the engine minus turbo ect ect) and cash how much?Pm me if you want.

I actually want a vr4engine back in it anyway either way I go because it looks more original.
If I don?t go for it I still want the vr4 engine and I will still want it quick but most of all I want it legal (reg) and this is my problem I have no idea how to go about making it legal. I had a rw done a while ago and they said things like wheels, airbox, bov, computer, gauges, turbotimer, ect

Thanks to mattress I have the stock air box and bov and I have the stock wheels and rw tyres I know how to get rid of the gauges and computer but I didn?t know how to change the bov and get the stock air box in. There was a few other things like cv boots and stuff but I was lost and just gave up :(

Please help me I am lost in my vehicle life.
your silly for cruising in it unrego'd.. but what's that saying.. to be old and wise you first must be young and stupid.

I feel your pain.. I had my car impounded for 3 months and no license for 6 long cold winter months. However it did give me enough time to save up for an ECU and new intercooler setup and I lost about 8kg's from walking to work..

I dont think you should take the engine out of the car. Afterall you can still drive it at a race track.
Maybe get another engine on a stand and slowly build it up and then transplant it.

either way.. keep on keeping on.
the idea is that i carnt drive it At all

i am a bad person that has no restraint the only way to stop me is to immobalize my car.

and this way the car is immobalized but i can work on getting it the way i have always wanted it.
Do what your heart tells you.

I regret following my head.

^^ That's the only advice i'm giving. In the end money is just that, money. You earn some, you spend some, you save some.
10 secs is asking alot for a vr4!

go for 12's and take it from there..

a 12 sec vr4 is more reasonable as a daily driver

matress said:
if you have oodles of cash, go for it...
if u want a cheap/quick way to running 10's, buy a series 1-3 RX7 :wink:

Best advice yet... although im slightly biased :wink:

If you sell it you lose a shitload of money you have invested already and you may regret it. on the other hand you might be able to pick something up thats legal and go from there. either way dude ill be right there to clean and polish the parts as you remove them lol.
Hey Mate,

my 2c, if you want to keep the VR4 and want to get it registered do it now while in stock form and only have the headache of paying 500 odd dollars a year, other option is we can hook you up with a RS evo on race rally permit for around $10k and is a lightweight base to aim for these times otherwise if you want to make an appointment with me I am more than happy to offer you a realisitc quote on what any option would cost to do, either car and don't care who does your work but more so to advise if you like !! :eek:

If you want ot do something wild.

Maybe convert it to RWD??

Just for a giggle.

Keep you busy and will be a laugh :p