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CLuTZ said:
JAP63 said:
mine is square and sits just on top of the key barrel to the left and forward of the key.
reachable by your finger as you have the key in your hand


Would do but have F*cked USB ports at momont.
Its just the standard button like all J-Specs have.
bout 1.5mm square black button.

MY BAD on my pevious post,

The button sits at about a 4 oclock position if your looking at the key barrel and down a little to the side of the barrel...almost in line with the where it says "START"
Steering lock can make the key stuck too as jap63 said. Turn steering wheel to left and right whilst trying to turn the key back at the same time - sometimes this may work :wink:
once again, there is NO button, not even a space where the button used to be.

i pulld the plastic surrounds off last night and pulled the centre piece out of the barrel to retrieve the key, but it looks like something inside the barrel is stoping it from turning it all the way back to lock.
someones done some creative engineering on your car buddy, there is meant to be a button but if there isn't then ur up **** creek without a paddle i guess
Different key barrell?

Look into it dude

Theres supposed to be a even has "PUSH" written on it.
yep it does have a button!


u cant miss it!!

LOL TROY... its been a while mate!
the reason there was no button is coz it was converted from auto to manual and the jspec auto's didnt come with a button, to get the key out you had to press the brake whilst it was in park (or something like that). however since the manual conversion this was no longer needed and the wire was disconnected, however the little stopper in the barrel was not removed, and over time just slid down and stoped the key from turning all the way, once this and the wire was removed its fine.

will post some pics up later.

thanks to ben for reminmding me about the auto-manual conversion.