Ive lost count of how many times I've had dashes in and out lol. Can probably remove them in a CC in under 20 minutes depending on stereo gear to undo lol. The fan box however is a c*nt to remove because its such a tight squeeze in there. Its easier when you remove the vertical bars which bolt to the floor up to the cross bar. You'll need to undo the bolts on the driver's side box also where it joins the middle airbox.
Its the one circled in yellow in the pic below
Hey Guys,
I have to replace my heater core, and I'm at the point this picture is, and I'm stuck.
I have undone the 4 nuts holding the heater box in, but i'm finding it impossible to remove the hoses from the engine bay. Once these hoses come off is that it?
I'm about one more sore finger away from cutting the hoses off!