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as long as you use a mitsubishi inline 4 cyl you dont need one, I have asked Vic roads all about it also

and you can down grade the engine to and dont need one

Change of Engine
1. Replacement engine is identical to the original engine, or is an option allowed by the manufacturer for the same model vehicle
The optional engine must be offered in Australia by the vehicle manufacturer as an option for that vehicle (or certified variants). The change of engine may be recorded by VicRoads provided that the registered operator or a motor mechanic, or dealer in that make of vehicle or an Automotive Engineer signs a declaration certifying the engine is optional for the vehicle model, and that all modifications made by the manufacturer for the same vehicle model with that optional engine, have been completed.
In Vic you can do it. I've had it done, engine number swapped no questions asked. As for emissions, why would you need to test them when your using the same shell as an evo, same engine, same engine management, same piping, etc see where i'm going with this?

Only time i heard of it being knocked back is because of standard brakes still on. Also, evo's have some other strengthning in the chassis otherwise they are pretty much identical.

I've been pulled over several times by TMU and EPA. EPA pulled me over before the engine number was swapped, said it was fine but i should changed the engine number over asap. TMU don't say anything, except for boost controller etc.
i just got a 63 (from evo 1) put in my gsr. and i called vicroads several times asking heaps of questions but one i asked every time was, Do i need to get a engineers certificate if i get a mitsubishi evo 1 or 2 engine into my mitsubishi lancer gsr? and everytime time they said, if there needs to be any modification to any engine mount then yes, if no modification has been performed then no.

not to mention that i had 3 vicroads staff at dandenong spend 7mins looking at the engine and asking questions about it.
SIVART said:
HYPRVR said:
matress said:
Best way to fix it is to put a 2.0L in it :p

Consider the cost and availability of parts when rebuilding a 4g93 vs 4g63... I'm sure Olly will be willing to chat to you about this stuff.

(2L in a GSR)+++++ $$$$$'s= change ecu, rewire, engineers cert, emissions test.... and the hassle of TMU's if they spot it........

more of a headache to me..... just buy an evo instead.....

you dont need a engineers cert its only 200cc difference

you need an engineers due to the > 15% power increase
sticking wif the 1.8l i think.
gonna have to be rebuilt.
on the positive side...could be a good excuse to build a beast :twisted:
crossover said:
SIVART said:
HYPRVR said:
matress said:
Best way to fix it is to put a 2.0L in it :p

Consider the cost and availability of parts when rebuilding a 4g93 vs 4g63... I'm sure Olly will be willing to chat to you about this stuff.

(2L in a GSR)+++++ $$$$$'s= change ecu, rewire, engineers cert, emissions test.... and the hassle of TMU's if they spot it........

more of a headache to me..... just buy an evo instead.....

you dont need a engineers cert its only 200cc difference

you need an engineers due to the > 15% power increase

unbolt the turbo ;) and get them to change the engine number on the rego.. then bolt the turbo back on.. simple :)

matress said:
Best way to fix it is to put a 2.0L in it :p

Consider the cost and availability of parts when rebuilding a 4g93 vs 4g63... I'm sure Olly will be willing to chat to you about this stuff.

lol my 93 has already gone faster then most of the 63's on this forum :p

go go 93 hahahah

I believe you need an engineer's cert due to the power increase and the fact that you need to change the brakes. As soon as you touch the brakes you need an engineer's cert.

You shouldn't be able to swap the engine numbers over without a cert if the brakes haven't been done and if you do the brakes... you need a cert. Obviously you guys slipped through the gaps because the vicroads staff don't have enough specialised knowledge.

If you go 63, put all the extra bracing in or you're just going to be counting down the days until your firewall cracks like every other unbraced gsr.

Also, it's totally illegal to put a vr4 (6bolt) 63 in a CC GSR as the engine is older than the car. Anyone who has one and hasn't been picked up hasn't been to an emissions check at EPA in NW Melb yet. This is a basic rule for repowering of ANY vehicle in Victoria. Engine must be same age or newer than the vehicle being repowered due to pollution/emissions related gear. If you think nothing changed I suggest you look at a 90 model Aspec vs a 92 model Aspec (there's differences) and then again at the e1, e2 and e3 engines (all different).

If you're going to 63 a GSR legally you need to get an engine from a vehicle the same age or newer and that's pretty much where it ends.

Good luck, I think you're going to need a new crank.
Dean said:
sticking wif the 1.8l i think.
gonna have to be rebuilt.
on the positive side...could be a good excuse to build a beast :twisted:

ah wells :(

at least you will get a working new engine, not one that apparently rebuilt or one thats on its way out.

i think there are stronger aftermarket rods/pistons for the 93 as well, i think i saw some on ebay a while back?
lefty said:
Dean said:
sticking wif the 1.8l i think.
gonna have to be rebuilt.
on the positive side...could be a good excuse to build a beast :twisted:

ah wells :(

at least you will get a working new engine, not one that apparently rebuilt or one thats on its way out.

i think there are stronger aftermarket rods/pistons for the 93 as well, i think i saw some on ebay a while back?
got some on my watching list already :wink:
anyone know where i could get the engine manual for the 93 ?