many questions - idle, gearbox and noises


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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007

Ive had my gsr for a couple of months now and pretty much come up with a list of all the annoying problems with it, just seeing if anyvody here knows why.

Problem 1 and most annoying...
The gearbox crunches and grinds quite alot, hard to get into 1st and i only ever change to first when im completely stopped. Crunches into 2nd and grinds into 3rd. 4th and 5h crunch but not as bad as the others. Reverse is annoying to get into aswell. The previous owner had the master and slave clutch cylinders replaced and the fluids look good in the engine bay, and i had the gearbox fluid changed only a month ago. Anyone have any ideas? I can only assume the clutch isnt fully disengaging (can this be rectified, e.g. can it be adjusted).

Problem 2 also annoying
It idles weird some times, normally it idles around 800-700 but some times it will drop. For example, when sitting at lights in neutral it will be idling at 800 -700 and it feels alrite then suddenly it will drop down to about 500-400 maybe less and the car will shake, however it will only do it for a few seconds then it will kick back up to 800 again (no aircon is on or anything and it hasnt got to the stage where the car stalls). Its also started doing it when i clutch in to downshift.

Problem 3.
Ive got a weird metallic rattling sound when driving, its most notible when i let off the acelerater however it happens when accelerating aswell. It goes away when i clutch in and its not there when im stopped. Sounds like its coming from more towards the front of the car.

Any ideas?

Problem number 3 could possibly be a busted cat converter. The sound is the inner core of the cat getting blown around by the exhaust flow. It can eventually spin around enough to block off the exhaust.

i told that guy the clutch needs to be taken out ....I looked at it last time it was at my house. seems like the throw is too short to fully disengage the clutch plate and it drags when engaging gears.

rattle most likely exhaust related.

bring it over and I can take a look for you.

do you still have my number?


So it cant just be adjusted? because it doesnt slip or show any other signs that its worn out.

Nah i dont still have it, where abouts are you located?
my stock GSR has a kind of crunching/ grinding type noise when at higher revs in lower gears, if i doublr clutch, its not there, or if i change gear (ie lowering the revs) it goes aswell. it was looked at 40 000 km's ago, but couldnt find the problem (according to previous owners receipts)

i might get it looked at again...
by someone who knows their stuff
I would say thats pretty normal, for a car with 150 000odd k's especially if ur downshifting at high revs into 2nd and 3rd. If it goes away through double clutching its a sign that ur syncros may be worn.

U could try changing the gearbox oil and dont downshift at such high revs.
lol.. i would never downshift from high revs...
that makes no sense...

i think we have confused eachother.
lets start over.

hi, my name is chris. i drive a white GSR.

ironically, your reply will be exactly the same!! weeeeirddd!!!
for the problem 1 you could try to put lightweight redline oild in, in many cases eliminates that anoying crunch but that might not be the problem.

2. is your blow off valve plumbed or free to air??? i get idle problem with free to air blow off but once you plumb it back no problem.

hope any of these will help:)
solid_snake said:
lol.. i would never downshift from high revs...
that makes no sense...

i think we have confused eachother.
lets start over.

hi, my name is chris. i drive a white GSR.

ironically, your reply will be exactly the same!! weeeeirddd!!!

Ahh ok, misunderstood your first post then, you officially have the same problem as me then. Theres more coincidence for you :wink:

As for the other posts I'll look into the exhaust and idle control unit and hopefully this solves my problems.

Problem 1 is supposedly solved, as i took it to my mechanic and he informed me what i was feeling was not crunching and just the mechanical engagement of the gears. Makes sense cos Tenagah said it felt normal and mimmos old car that i test drove with a rebuilt box felt similar.
Hey Chris,

You can adjust the clutch a little via the adjustment mechanism on the clutch pedal inside the car.

I know what you mean by the mechanical engagement of the gears, thats normal but crunching and grinding doesn't sound normal to me. Make sure you are fully depressing the clutch pedal before changing gear, ie not starting the throw the gear lever before the clutch is fully dis-engaged.

Regarding the Idle speed, well mine used drop ~100-200rpm when the thermo fan kicked in but would return to 800 odd a second or so later. I guess there is a lot of current draw from the fans (Aircon and Thermo). I solved it but adjusting the idle speed screw a little to bring the idle up to 900-950rpm, that way when the fans kicked in it would still drop a little but the felt drop in idle was not as dramatic. You can always buy another stepper motor but it is $$$ and yours is probably still functioning, just not as well as when new.

The Rattle, sounds cat converter related, pretty common it seems.


Yeah its not exactly crunching (you cant hear a crunching sound), its just not a very smooth shift. My mechanic described it more as notchiness instead of crunching, i noticed it on your old car aswell.

Where exactly is the mechanism on the pedal?? , might give it a try anyways.
