n14 pulsar?


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Dec 23, 2005
my mates girlfriend has a pulsar, 2lt N/A , DOHC
same as my galant, but hers is considerably quicker than mine, my AFM is phuked, would this make much of a diference (i was told it shouldnt make much difference, im convinced it is) or are they just quicker cars, i looked it up and there is only a 2kw power difference at the flywheel, can they just put down alot better or is the afm making such a large diference??
kaotik said:
my mates girlfriend has a pulsar, 2lt N/A , DOHC
same as my galant, but hers is considerably quicker than mine, my AFM is phuked, would this make much of a diference (i was told it shouldnt make much difference, im convinced it is) or are they just quicker cars, i looked it up and there is only a 2kw power difference at the flywheel, can they just put down alot better or is the afm making such a large diference??

whats the weight difference?

its not about how much power your car makes, its about how much power to weight you have!!!

kaotik said:
Pulsar: 105kw 1150kg
Galant: 103kw 1250kg

im not sure about either one at the wheels though

Well, the pulsar has about 10% weight advantage, so theoretically, you'd need 10% more power to keep up with it.
so it should be giving me the hiding of my life?? or should i be respectivly keeping up??? coz its whoopin my ass pretty bad :( :oops:
The GSR is more like 1400-1470 kg.

Those hugeass sub boxes probably didn't help.

The AFM will fix throttle response

You should be slipping the clutch between 3000 and 4500 rpm

You should be changing gears smack on 6700

I'd be interested to see if the front LSD in that box is still working.
nah the sub boxes didnt help but im talking about b4 they went in.
im changing the AFM now (thanks! :) ) how can i tell if the LSD in it is still working??
My GSR has a KAAZ 1way LSD. I had it fitted when the box was rebuilt with evo bits.

I have no idea if it's still working.

Easiest way to check is to drive it around for 20-30 mins, jack up the front and spin one wheel with the car in 1st.

The other should spin the same way. (forward)

SO I take it my little box of goodies arrived?
No he shouldnt have put it in his vr4, then i wouldnt have it in my car! :)
wat else has been done to that car that i dont know about??
That's for me to know and you to find out ;)

I kept telling you people the GSR was a ******* GOOD BUY.

Now Kaotik has it and the rest of you missed out.

And yes, that gearbox rebuild cost me a little under 4000 dollars with the new clutch and random evo bits (shift rails and forks etc).

If that box EVER breaks, i'll eat my hat. Actually, I'll eat all my hats.
Want the receipt?


I will admit I got raped by the guy who did it for price because I was like 18 at the time and didn't know about any of these forums.

Also, some of the parts were further modified to fit. It was done by Ballarat Driveline Services on Martin Drive.