A bit of a request from left field but I'll try anyway.
I need to see a pic of the washer for the crank bolt. i.e. when you attach the harmonic balancer to the crank you've got the big ass bolt with 1/2" drive socket in the middle, but there's also a big ass washer to go with it - that's what I need a pic of please and a measurement as well if possible
I forgot to drop the washer off to the machine shop when my brother's EVO engine was getting bored out and now they're ready to balance the whole bottom and need the washer (and I've got tins of washers at home from different engines and fear that I threw it in the mix :lol: )
I need to see a pic of the washer for the crank bolt. i.e. when you attach the harmonic balancer to the crank you've got the big ass bolt with 1/2" drive socket in the middle, but there's also a big ass washer to go with it - that's what I need a pic of please and a measurement as well if possible
I forgot to drop the washer off to the machine shop when my brother's EVO engine was getting bored out and now they're ready to balance the whole bottom and need the washer (and I've got tins of washers at home from different engines and fear that I threw it in the mix :lol: )