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STI THIS ******!!
Jan 13, 2009
Hi I'm currenty thinking about getting a dry shot nitrous Kit for My Evo 1. The engine is basicly stock from what I know, other then a Legalis R exhaust and and CAI. Any thoughts or opinions? has anyone here put Nitrous on ther early Evo's?
YellowEvo1 said:
Hi I'm currenty thinking about getting a dry shot nitrous Kit for My Evo 1. The engine is basicly stock from what I know, other then a Legalis R exhaust and and CAI. Any thoughts or opinions? has anyone here put Nitrous on ther early Evo's?

Why not spend the money on other things to make it go faster? Or do you want the purge valve for fast n the furious style street racing intimidation?

Welcome to the club by the way-
YellowEvo1 said:
Hi I'm currenty thinking about getting a dry shot nitrous Kit for My Evo 1. The engine is basicly stock from what I know, other then a Legalis R exhaust and and CAI. Any thoughts or opinions? has anyone here put Nitrous on ther early Evo's?

Youll probably find its not something done that commonly around these parts, and as for doing it on an Evo, I honestly dont think its that great of a mod....consider the tuning etc that needs to go into getting it right, and the possibilities for engine damage if you dont get it right....then factor in the cost of getting it done propery so there is no drama.. by the time this is done..its probably no longer a cheap mod...

Just my thoughts..

Do the dump pipe and custom manifold first i rekon
Thanks for the replies I was considering it because it is somthing that really isnt done here. I try to make my cars differnent from others so thats why the Nitrious was an idea other than the obvious power gains when spraying. I've thought about the tuning ect ect and am going stay away from it. Any Ideas for any decent power gains? Oh I forgot in my first post that my ECU has an HKS tune
unless you want a new block quicker than you can spell it,
nitrous would be the last thing you'd want to add to your Evo.
Dean said:
unless you want a new block quicker than you can spell it,
nitrous would be the last thing you'd want to add to your Evo.

Thats a pretty pointless comment, set up right Nitrous will be fine even on a stock engine. Not to mention the added benefit of it cooling the intake charge. I don't see anything wrong with 50hp available at the flick of a switch for ***** and giggles. People do more damage with 2 stage boost controllers to get the same effect.
GSRWRC said:
People do more damage with 2 stage boost controllers to get the same effect.
Thats a fair enough point..
though i think what Dean meant was that "generally" speaking, Nos ***** engines qwiker than anything else, and the reason being is that ppl push them too hard.
Fair enough,
if you're willing to run nos on a stock setup, id be quite happy to see results.
You know what i was trying to say tho mate.
Dean said:
Fair enough,
if you're willing to run nos on a stock setup, id be quite happy to see results.
You know what i was trying to say tho mate.

I just don't like it when people say that adding Nitrous to an engine will only end in destroying it. No ifs, no buts.. BANG! You're ******. This may be the case of the 100hp+ dry shot kits being 'chucked in' and not tuned for, but theres no reason why a 50hp wet kit wouldn't be benificial. Adding 50hp to a near stock 4G63 is barely stressing it any more than people who bolt big turbos on and cram 20psi down the buggers. Its not like the stock ECU can't be chipped to suit bigger injectors to cope with any extra fuel demands.

This sort of thinking is detrimental to innovation.

JAP63 said:
Thats a fair enough point..
though i think what Dean meant was that "generally" speaking, Nos ***** engines qwiker than anything else, and the reason being is that ppl push them too hard.

"Generally" speaking thats not the fault of the Nitrous, its the fault of the monkey thats "pushing it too hard"
I see your point.
I based my statement on the person who started this thread, who sounds pretty new to the evo scene, with a "chuck it in" sort of mentality (no offence).
We all know what happens when massive turbo's and 20+ psi mix together on standard internals though.
Yeah I'll admint I'm Very new to the scene I'm actually the only Evo owner in the city i live in. As to chuck it in that not what it would be. The most i'm looking for out of the NOS would be an additonal 50-60 Hp I dont want to go stupid with the spray
GSRWRC said:
I just don't like it when people say that adding Nitrous to an engine will only end in destroying it. No ifs, no buts.. BANG! You're ******. This may be the case of the 100hp+ dry shot kits being 'chucked in' and not tuned for, but theres no reason why a 50hp wet kit wouldn't be benificial. Adding 50hp to a near stock 4G63 is barely stressing it any more than people who bolt big turbos on and cram 20psi down the buggers. Its not like the stock ECU can't be chipped to suit bigger injectors to cope with any extra fuel demands.

This sort of thinking is detrimental to innovation.

"Generally" speaking thats not the fault of the Nitrous, its the fault of the monkey thats "pushing it too hard"

This guy....he knows.

Well said dude took the words right out of my mouth, wet kit is the best way, also upgrading your fuel pump if you already havent is a must.

I wouldnt trust my car with some normal grease monkey id be more inclinded to spend a few extra coins take it to someone who knows and uses nitrous on a regualr basis, as said above there is no reason why an engine should go bang on a 50/75/100hp shot if set up right.
so then i guess it's WET/DRY then other than the obvious difference why is one better then the other?
Well in short, a dry kit is just nitrous being sprayed into you engine which is great if you have the aftermarket computer to help support it by adding more fuel when it is activated. When you buy the kit you will only get 1 solenoid, for nitrous only.

A wet kit is where not only is nitrous is being added but also the excess fuel to stop it from leaning out and therefore ruining your engine. The wet kit consists of two solenoids one for nitrous the other for fuel both activated at the same time.

For your application the best bet would be the EFI Kit your jetting options range from 35hp up to 125hp, and with just a single fogger jet that can be plumbed into your pipe work just before the throttle body. <--- thats the kit you should be looking at.

Hope this helps you out.

Also GSRWRC, good link mate i didnt notice it before i posted, good find :)
GSRWRC said:
"Generally" speaking thats not the fault of the Nitrous, its the fault of the monkey thats "pushing it too hard"

Yes, I see where your coming from..and yes, Dean's post probably wasnt that deeply thougth through.
Mate, you make good points, though just conceed that my point of view, along with what dean said is not entirely wrong....its pretty well backed by melted engines from umpteen "power chasing" Nos installations.

Your 100% right, theres no difference, its just increased charge density, and yes, it would be much similar to winding another 4-5 psi into it, just recognise though that when someone squirts a denser charge into a car thats equiped with a Karman Vortex airflow meter, the AFM doesnt see it, it is only monitoring inlet charge drawn in by the turbo.This is where it generally all turns to **** for your average joe..and maybe even why the whole thing has earned a bad wrap.
The standard (and usually old) injectors can sometimes choke from the extra cylinder pressures, and if purge fuel isnt added proportionally or at all, then its a 2 second ticket to disaster, ive seen it all turn to **** before on engines that supposedlly had it setup "properly". Having said that, it can work, Im not saying it cant, its just that most people dont think this far ahead.

I respect your opinion as much as the next bloke, but perhaps see that there is some logic to both the statements made..NOS can and does smoke engines, and as i said earlier, and yourself...theres no reason it cant work with the right tune. I agree, but too many people who dont run a MAP sensor simply dont think far enough ahead or understand its nature, and charge up the engine and blow the fukn thing to bits, because the computer runs maps all over the shop as it receives an unmetered charge and bits and pieces of fuel into the cylinder.

In your position, I wouldnt bother with the NOS, its great to be different, and I respect that your being unique. It can work, but its no fast track or short cut to good power, if thats what you were looking for. NOS is usually where people start looking when they've run out of ways to make power. There are so many logic and easy ways to make power from your 4G..add 5 psi, a good manifold and 3 inch dump pipe/front pipe and you will probably be happier than a NOS setup that needs very carefull tuning and setting up, not to mention, once your out of gas, your out of power too.

And Pls, if someone turns around in reply to say "boost blows engines up just as much" then save it, read my post properly, my whole point is that it is an area of power production that can lend itself to possible easy mishaps..

Thats just my thoughts on it.
You could get that 50hp with a few mods on the evo without the need to fill up the bottle each time you run out.

Full exhaust, intercooler piping, intercooler, more boost, tune. You'll be making 50hp more at the treads with those mods and it'll be unlimited without the need to refill anything.
Thanksk for the replys I'm pretty much not even gonna think about the NOS anymore. I did run out of Ideas for more power it being my first turbo car and all. How much boost is "safe" to run on these Evos? My Mitsubishi Boost gauge currently reading just under 1bar so i'm thinking 12-13psi range. Might sound like a stupid question but how do I adjust Boost? My Journey man and I have already removed my CAT and soon resonator to open the exhaust up so that should help..right? I really want to start making this car mine own everything that has been done to it was done by the pervious owner in Japan, No one here knows much about these things they are all Scooby fans... go figure eh. Well any help and guidance is much apreciated thanks!!
There are very easy ways of adjusting boost, just know what your doing first, as adjusting the boost incorrectlly will give the same effect as too much untuned NOs, that is, a big bang.

If your running around 1 bar at the momnet, then your up aroundwhere the car is pretty happy anyway, maybe squeeze 18 or so into it, but watch the AFR's, im not sure what ecu you have, but you can do anything you want, with any turbo you want, it all comes down to tune...perhaps a big 16G or 20g might be what your the fullexhaust thing first, then say a good stainless manifold, then maybe an inlet...yo'ull make good power from all of these, even on the s16g you have now...this will put your car into the 12's no worries, and that aint qwik do u wanna go?
I'd recommend starting off by taking the car to a DSM specialist, and talking with them about what you are after with the car- you will be able to get the most out of it on your budget. If you are not sure about how to turn the boost up, then perhaps you should get someone to do it for you.

Another good thing would be to join a canadian DSM club, and talk to them about who is the best place to take it in your area. After all, these cars are basically 1.5G dsm's (in the middle between 1st gen and 2nd gen)

This list should get you started for now!


This is a list of fine shops, that while they may not be 100% DSM specific, they are North of the border, and they have shown to be DSM friendly in the past. If you know a shop that should be on this list, drop us an email.
Please Note: Because a shop is listed on here, is no firm endorsement of their abilities or their ability to do a good job on a DSM. We take no responsibility in this matter, and simply list those who request to have their info listed.​

Capital Gear

17428 - 106 A Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta
T5S 1E6Jerry Sayegh - [email protected]
Tel: (780) 487-1244
Fax: (780) 487-1246
Authorized Richmond Gear & Quicktime Bellhousing Distributor
MXC Racing
205-8706 Franklin Ave
Fort McMurray, Alberta
Tel (780) 791-9493
Fax (780) 791-9693
Email- [email protected]We do performance and styling work on imports, domestics and even trucks.
Both owners own 1stGen Talons with major mods and have rebuilt and restyled many DSM customer vehicles.
We have a passion for the Mitsu engine and have one of the largest product lines available anywhere.
We source parts from Australia, Asia, USA and Canada.
Pro Drag Performance Inc.
Alberta's DSM & Sport Compact Specialists.
All staff personally drive DSM's
Specializing in Hardcore Go Fast Stuff.
Full service and Hi-Performance Sales & Installations with over 30 years of experience.
Professional Custom Exhaust/Turbo/Supercharger/Nitrous, Sales and Installations.

10031 - 167 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, T5P 3W3
Tel: (780) 443-3575
Fax: (780)-451-2105
Revolution Motorsports
Home of Alberta's fastest DSM, and Alberta's fastest import in 2003, and 2002! If you are serious about your DSM and want someone who knows your car inside and out call us! My personal ride is a 2G with 6 bolt swap, stroked, and fully built, using AEM's EMS. I have done all my own tunning and tune others rides as well! Great prices on NX, AEM, and Clutch Masters, but carry houndreds of different product lines!Fort McMurray, Alberta
Tel: (780) 713-8545
Fax: (780) 713-2926
Email: [email protected]

J&R Racing We install and have just about ever kind of upgrade for imports /domestics/and trucks/racecars. We sell all and anything you need for an import. Also install turbos/Nitros/and superchargers on imports give us a call toll free
Kelowna, BC
Tel: (877) 765-9609 or (250) 765-9609
Email: [email protected] L&R Racing Inc.
#312-1952 Kingsway Ave
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Tel: (604) 552-1426
Fax (604) 552-1457
[email protected] We specialize in DSM's and forced induction vehicles. We're a new shop that supports the BC-DSM club and although we mainly do high performance, we welcome any maintenance work. Both Lowell and Ryan own heavily modified 1st gen Talons.

Midway Chrysler-Jeep 730 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3G 0M9
Tel.: (204) 774-4581 or (888) 774-4581
Fax: (204) 774-1342
[email protected] They can give a 20% reduction on list price for OEM parts. This is the same setup that the dealers in the states have, except this way we don't have to pay the duty.

Steal Motorsports
Located in Mt. Pearl & St. John�s, Newfoundland 1199 Topsail Rd.
Mt. Pearl, NF
Tel: (709) 745-0111 or (866) 745-0111
Fax: (709) 745-4274
[email protected]
High performance parts and accessories, including urethane body kits and vertical door conversions.
Guaranteed low prices, and currently looking for distributors Canada & US wide!
Both �Buy-In� and �non Buy-In� distributors are welcome!!

Road Rage Performance
1830 Grand Lake Road
Reserve Mines, Nova Scotia B1E 1L1
Ph: (902) 842-1175
Toll-Free (Canada Only): (800) 642-7166
Fax: (902) 849-8371
Email: [email protected]
MSN (messenger ONLY, no email please): [email protected]
Stan's Pro Motorsports 2786 Wileville
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Tel: (902) 530-3003
(800) 589-4045
Fax: (902) 530-30041
[email protected] Engine rebuilding,speed and performance parts 30 years experience
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