noise in l/h/f wheel???


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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2006
Melbourne, Victoria
hey guys i think i know what the problem is, but i wanna here what other ppl think of it too... i have a noise comeing from the L/H/F wheel area (passager side)
The noise is always their, when i go on the clutch it still remains, so it has nothing to do with the gear box or the gear box bearings...
NOISE:The noise sounds like a grinding/wheel bearing/brakes metal on metal/backing plate scraping the disc...

when i am driving normal i dont here it very much, when i gear down to slow down the noise is very loude!! when i brake the noise is still their... whn i put my clutch in n slow down the noise is still their...

i am thinking CV shafts or wheel bearing atm... what use think...
when i put the car up in the air i checked for wheel bearing movement, also spun the whell n it didnt give me a sign that it was wheel bearing, i even drive the car while it was on the hoist, still nothing, only when i'm on the road it does it, n when i am backing off the acc...

i know i could just try replace it n see if that fixes it, but i wanna know if someone has had the same problem
this noise can happen when its just overtightened

just back off the tightness on the hub nut a tiny bit and see if it goes away
im having the same problem.
the sound of metal on metal grinding together
but mine isnt always constant and when i brake it goes away.
its pretty common to do

the first time I did it, cost me $105 for the bearing I didnt
yeah i dont wanna replace stuff cause "I THINK" its that. i would rather know what it is... not take the easy way out... someone told me it could be the cv shafts... might head down to tech sport let them drive it... meant to be going to heathcote this sunday, so i kinda wanted it fixed by then incase something goes while i'm on the track
My money is on wheel bearings. I had the EXACT same symptoms and thats what it was. When i slowed right down and rolled i could get it to grind a lot louder. sounded terrible.
EVOISM said:
im having the same problem.
the sound of metal on metal grinding together
but mine isnt always constant and when i brake it goes away.

Mate it sounds like you need new brake pads, if they are grinding metal on metal you will definatelly need a disc machine and if you leave it to long you will need new rotors as well if not allready.
Richard said:
EVOISM said:
im having the same problem.
the sound of metal on metal grinding together
but mine isnt always constant and when i brake it goes away.

Mate it sounds like you need new brake pads, if they are grinding metal on metal you will definatelly need a disc machine and if you leave it to long you will need new rotors as well if not allready.

that is the noise for the wheel bearing

mine was squeaking
yeah most likely the wheel bearing... one think i did notice is... when i first drive the car, NO noise at all... it when i've been driving it for 3-5 mins the noise will then start... weird a?

yeah i rekon wheel bearing, the noise sounds 100% like it

my brakes r fine, the discs r fairly new (slotted rotors)
hey mate, i had same problem, i noticed when i changed over my hub that it was the rear side of the rotor that was rubbing against the lower part of the hub which was making that squeaking noise. mine too was "warming" up to the noise, took 5 mins of driving to get the noise happening.
i have loossend the centre not one notch and put the split pin bac in, it lasted a few days but after i let the car car warm and start driving it if i dont drive hard its fine every now and then i'll hear it for a second but when i drive hard it comes back and doesnt go away with slowing down speeding up turning the steering wheel or anything like that. but if i turn the car off and leave it for a few hours (3-4) and drive it again but not hard it'll b fine.

What The? Is it bearings or not?

If not what is it?

Aaron did u get Techsport to look at ur car? What was the outcome?
ok problem found... the l/h/f CV shaft bolt was loose as hell... i had to use a long pole n everthing to get the r/h/f one off... went to take the l/h/f loose as loose can be... so thats my prob... now i gotta see if my wheel bearing will need replacing as its had to much play...

motor is out so i wont be able to test it for a bit... maybe next week when the car is done :D

will let use know the result if my problem is 100% fixed, as ppl might have this same problem... might need to keep em more often...