Oil pump/front case


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Mar 23, 2012
The home of unemployed bogans - Hervey bay,
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone replaces the oil pump and front case when they do a rebuild. The reason I ask is I have one that is just within spec (0.12mm). I have eliminated the balance shafts

and won't be running oil squirters as I have forged pistons. The oil relief valve has been ported to accommodate for this.

I'm not sure what difference having an oil pump that is just on spec will have considering the amount of oil holes that are now blocked.

Is replacement something that must be done? Bear in mind I'm not building a monster 4g63, but I will be aiming for decent power.

Oh, and I suppose the next thing to ask would be is it necessary to go for an OEM item, or is there an aftermarket brand that suits just fine?

Any help appreciated.
I have always replaced with new genuine but that's just me, they are rudely expensive locally but not too bad from overseas.

How much have you ported the relief? I have no shafts or squirters and my cold oil pressure is pretty high (I have ported, opened up and radiused every bit of the oil system
You know that even iff you have 80psi, the engine is getting only 60 anyway. The little filters are pretty restrictive.
I now have the remote filter fitted to mine with a fat ole z9 filter.
Kiggly did some tests for this
Hey Jack.. if the oil pressure is measured by a master gauge in the oil galley ie where the oil pressure switch is ... your statement doesnt quite make sense ? Pressure is usually a function of flow . If you have less flow than what is needed ie restriction upstream from a filter, or excessive clearances in bearing journals down stream, then the pressure will probably drop. I think Kiggly were measuring at the oil pump directly, and then comparing it to the oil galley post oil filter ?
Forgive me. I may be wrong. Isnt the sender on the ofh? Before the filter. So it reads pressure between the pump and the filter?
This was my understanding of what kiggly said. And he had another sender after the filter to get the pressure drop.
So we way be seeing 100psi at the pump and 80 after the filter?
Back at tradeschool we had the garden hose scenario described to us as an example of pressure. Turn a garden tap on with no end fittings present and squirt your foot without putting your finger over the end of the hose. Now fit one of those cone shaped nozzles that can be rotated to make a jet or fan spray and squirt your foot in jet mode. A restriction to flow will cause an increase in pressure providing there are no other variables. Eg. Leaking seals, relief valves, alternate flow paths, excessive internal leakage in the pump. Just my 2 cents worth on fluid principles. Flow rate??, will leave that to someone still in their trade!
You may need to port the oil filter housing , i was seeing excess 140 psi when i fitted guage after porting i get 20 idle 60 cruising at 3500 and 90-100 wot right up to 7800.
all at full temp