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One of the guys at work just gave me Powercruise 6 DVD to take home and watch :thumbsup: Gonna see what it's all about before determining if Im going or not :)
EVO-00X said:
One of the guys at work just gave me Powercruise 6 DVD to take home and watch :thumbsup: Gonna see what it's all about before determining if Im going or not :)
better not watch with the kids around, there will be *******..!!!

looks like you're coming then Rob... if you watch the vid and still not impressed theres something wrong with you. lol
The Godfather said:
hmmm sounds a bit suss, what arent you 3 telling us??

ummm nuthing suss about it i think it would be a waste of time for our cars as there would only be 2-3 events max (if you were turning it from awd to rwd for the event then it would be another story)
show and shine
street racing (rolling start not using the advantage of AWD)
and going around the track (evan in this event you cant go smashing it around like a track day you can only give it a squirt here and there)

i wont be going to watch now as iv got to much happening in the next few weeks :thumbsdown:
jambo will be here soon enuf thats enuf for me:thumbsup:
yeah sux its more of a rwd event, but will be fun to get out and get around Eastern creek raceway and get an insight into the corners for a future track day maybe and also giving it a few hits on the straight sections with whoever is next to you. Just being surrounded by modified cars appeals to me.

street drags will be good too being awd with no pre burnout allowed suits me fine, i prob wont go far in the drags but i wont make it easy for them either...

Powerskids will be awesome to watch. and of course the burnouts.! cant wait.
After watching the dvd it does look like its made for the old school muscle V8's. Lots of burnouts, rolling start drags, power skids and noise! Damn near every car on the vid had 50000000 inch wide rear wheels and a gigantic blower sitting as high as the roof turret! lol.
EVO-00X said:
After watching the dvd it does look like its made for the old school muscle V8's. Lots of burnouts, rolling start drags, power skids and noise! Damn near every car on the vid had 50000000 inch wide rear wheels and a gigantic blower sitting as high as the roof turret! lol.
the powerskids are awesome to watch.!!

hmmm no mention of the *******....???

you get to choose if you want a rolling start or not, no rolling starts for me i gotta take full advantage of the awd lol
im tempted to put another 044 in and do a c16 tune for the event... wonder how the wife would feel about that ?