EVO-00X said:
How did it go?
I heard there was a V-E-R-Y laggy charcoal GSR/EVO III wannabe at Powercruise today? lol :w00t:
friday i had a few practice launches but sat and sunday went all out, theres no lag when you launch at 7000rpm just *** loads of wheel spin,
jamo-gsr said:
No way man Adrian ripped them all from what I saw!! Not sure how he went in the last 2 races but he killed them in the first few... Also give them a good run in the morning cruise!! In my opinion he did us all proud!! There were some animal v8's up there that's for sure!!
I'm still half deaf after the Powerskids....
thanks man, yeah i killed a fair few V8 monsters..
FRANK-E said:
the red evo8 did us proud making it to the last 5 cars pitty it wasnt a earlier evo
i seen adrian run 2 times looked like it got off the line alryt then seemed to bog down when changing gears.......
what are you on crack??? :lol: not sure what car you were looking at, on sat i was getting off the line with **** loads of wheel spin and it stepped out on me pretty hard on one launch. and not sure what bog down **** your talkin about, nothing but hard charging... bring your binoculars next time

lol - dont hate appreciate...
jamo-gsr said:
Yeah the red Evo was pretty quick too. suprised a few he did!!
Didn't see Adrian bog down at all - but did see a massive puff of black smoke on one of his first runs on gear change....Looked unreal!!
He was going pretty quick by the time he got to the grandstand where I was!!
yeah i was flying at the finish line and the end comes up pretty quick, had to get on the brakes pretty hard after crossing the finish line to pull her up...
haha i saw a vid a mate took of me on that run , thats when it stepped out hard on me so i had to peddle it a bit and hit limiter for a sec then hard into 2nd gear which shot out a fire ball and cleaned out my exhaust lol
EVO-00X said:
Adrian will know Im taking the piss out of him. I built the bottom end of his engine and we have similar specs and the same ECU and tuner. I wanted to see how he went today so I know what I'll be up against when the coupe gets tuned in March (hopefully)

Did any of you boys take any vids to put up on youtube?
i will try and post some vids up when i get them off my mates, gf wasnt too good with the cam lol but you will have your hands full rob

if you do beat me you will have to work for it... hahaha
had a fair few runs, friday made it to the 2nd round of drags, first race was against a xe falcon 351 with big cam and some other work flogged him with a mild launch 5k or so, beat so bad that for the next race i thought i didnt have to go out so hard and got a **** take off and a pretty tuff falcon flogged me had massive rear tyres on it!!!
on sat i made it to the 3rd round. first run was a blown 400ci big block torana, killed him then was up against a r33 skyline, not sure what it had but killed him too and last race was against a blown 408ci capri with 600rwhp he beat me as my clutch started slipping at the end of first gear, first 2 runs of the sat got mass wheelspin so after each run i dropped the tyre pressure but looks like my clutch got a lil too hot for the 3rd run, capri broke down after he beat me too so i was pissed off lol
on sunday had 2 runs, first run was against the same 351xe from friday and he wasnt too happy he was up against me again lol smoked him again then got put against a 9sec 720hp capri which i obviously lost to, not by much mind you... also had a **** reaction time in that final race...
other than that flogged my share of cars in the cruise sessions, a pac rx2 and some other monster V8's a turbo merc, a fully hollowed out R32 which made him pretty upset lol, drove past him later in the day and he gave me a mad flithy lol ***... i hit about 200kph down the main straight too lol was wild. had a big 4 wheel drift moment aswell coming out of a corner hard in 2nd gear put a smile on the gf's face lol all in all i was impressed with the way the car preformed the whole weekend, i drove it there ( had a race with an entrant on the way lol) and went hard all week end and drove it home not dramas at all...!!!
Bring on compact attack....!!!