True, the Police computers are pretty snazzy and able to do number plate recognition to check rego.
Hell, even a member of the public can now check the current rego status of any number plate online here:
Then click on VIEW THE RESULTS OF THE REQUEST link when in there to suss out your own rego.
I input my rego plate in and it shows type of car, colour, weight, rego date, last digits of the chassis number, any special conditions (engineer cert number), Name of compulsory Green Slip insurer etc.
The good points you can check besides the obvious are whether:
a ) The car is engineered or not !!!
b ) Tthe type of car the chassis number is rego'd in the system as (ala some people claim to have EVO's but the rego system shows the rego or chassis number as a GSR or a GLXi Lancer - dodgey chassis numer changes! )
c ) Whether the colour of the car has been updated in the system yet or not.
d ) If there is a set of number plates you like, type in the number plate and see what type of car has them on at the moment lol
e ) If the car has been registered under pensioner concession. You'll be amazed to know that the Queen Street Auto Ferarri is registered under a concession lol.
As the Police have number plate recognition computers, we wont even have rego stickers in NSW as of 1st January 2013.