Questionable Gearbox Noises


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Thanks Dino,

Where in Melb would one go to buy Redline lubricants......? they dont sell them at autobarn or repco or anywhere like that do they?

Autobarn does have Motul Gear 300 though, or im pretty sure they do anyway......
Dan, try oilworld in Moorabbin, they stock it there, the lightweight shockproof is a funky blue colour, $28 per litre I think? They sell by the quart, which is a US metric.
I know alot of people who swear by shockproof... i havent used it but i heard that it can be filtered once drained out of the box and put bak in..

Thanks everybody for your help, sounds like redline lightweight shockproof is the way to go.......... :D

dont think it will stay blue for long though......... (if its the oil youre talking about dino)

dan w
Ok, i've got a similar sorta problem i think.

E1 box with ~75k's on it.
Shifting is 110%, when at operating temp the box is smooth as silk.

But there's an audible whine of a fairly high pitch that gets louder with speed only, doesn't rise with rpm.
At 110km/h you can hear it clearly, sounds like its coming from in front of the firewall.

Now would it be wheel bearings? There's no movement when you try and shake the wheel when its jacked up.

The box/transfer/diff oil was all changed to Redline lightweight Shockproof at $31L and while the box changes nicer, the noise hasn't changed one bit.

thanks andrew................ that would be good mate.
you interested in redooing my bearings aswell? :wink:

Benny, the whining noise you describe is I think normal...... mine does it as well. its not loud enough to be annoying, but as your speed picks up, the pitch of the whine increases.............kinda sounds like a plane I reckon.

Either thats it or my cars rooted in the same way as yours...... :)

Thanks again,
Dan W
GSRSOL said:
Either thats it or my cars rooted in the same way as yours...... :)
I'm thinking box isn't box isn't stuffed....wheels bearings....wheel bearings. :lol: 8)
My box has the same whine and I think it is the bearings that cause the noise. My box is nearly done. I gid find a couple of quite bad bearings. With any luck I will have it back in the car before the weekend.
Since mines daily driven, i don't quite have the leasure of gradually rebuilding it myself, otherwise it would've been done a few months ago, along with the transfer!
i had whining in my box when down-shifting, turned out a had a few bad bearings and my main bearing was f*cked! But yeah new bearings, bit of a clean out and she's pretty good again, 2nd still whines a little but nothing like before
i'm like you benny.. i cant afford to lose it for a few weeks.. i just need it done asap.

taking it to another mechanic today to get him to check it and see what he thinks :D
Are these all aust GSR's or Evo 1 2 3. I may be able to organise a C/o box (rebuilt) so cars can go straight back on the road.
Andrewv said:
Are these all aust GSR's or Evo 1 2 3. I may be able to organise a C/o box (rebuilt) so cars can go straight back on the road.

E1RS box front viscious LSD.
I'm in Newcastle NSW :(
My box is now back in. Bearings are the problem. Because the boxes have tapered bearings when a bearing gets tired the match between the gear teeth is not good. My now has a small amount of gearnoise but nothing like what it was. The main culprit is the bearing on the shaft that drives the crownwheel.
I am going to eat my words. Now that I have a few km on the box the noise is back. Its got me stuffed. I have had the box and another box apart and both look good inside. It must be a vibration from somewhere else. I have changed both front drive shafts,Right angle drive , 3 tail shafts, the rear diff and it doesnot change the vibration/noise,and the entire exhaust. Balance shafts are in time.The clutch is a daikin organic with a std pressure plate is there any chance of a vib from there?This vib is only at cruse up to 80 kph or on overrun from 80 down to 20 .