Replacement Alternator Options


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Sep 29, 2014
new zealand
As the title states, I'm looking for options to replacing the alternator. current alternator/regulator is no longer doing its job. Putting voltmeter on battery posts is showing no charge when car is on idle (12.4 volts) and spiking up to 17 volts when bringing revs up at a stand still. I'm not looking to upgrade the alternator, i just want a replacement so i can get this car up an running again!

I have a few options down an the wreckers from RVR turbo to a lancer with the 4g93 an a pile more.
iv had a hunt an none of the numbers on the alternators are matching up with the dead one iv pulled out of my car.

Iv read in acouple of my many searches that there are some with external regulators?? (find it hard to believe, but I have to ask the 4G pros on here)

Now to the details.
Mitsubishi Eterna Zr4 (basicly a VR4 with afew extras)
Alternator has the following numbers on it- MD136338
- A3T03493
12v (obviously lol) 65 Amp

So, basicly, is there anything i have to watch out? Plug type, Wiring issues, mounting issues etc etc

Thanks in advance and any help would be much appreciated!!

P.s, getting that alternator out really is a pain in the backside!! ALMOST as bad as sparkplugs on a subaru :p
Auto elec should be able to rebuild yours, they can pull it down, clean it, put in new bearings, bushes and reg. should be like new then, better than a second hand one I'd say
I would definitely agree with you guys, but this car seems to be a bottomless money pit (previous owners ruff as guts with the poor girl :( ) so i plan to keep the costs down, get it running happy, sell it before anything else pops up and bites me in the ass, and get my RB20det on the road
Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?? need to get car fixed today. Surely more then 1 guy has had alternator replaced!
Sonata will go on your vr4. 93-99. 4 cylinder. They are internal reg like yours. Not sure if the plug is same, but it will bolt and fit in no worries.
same motor and everything.
i can compare plugs if you post a pic
Really surprised there's no aftermarket options available in NZ... I just did a search and came up with ZIP!

Have you tried Repco etc or even Kempy's Bitsamitsi's?

Your last ditch resort is take it to an auto electrician and get them to rebuild it
Cheers for the help guys, I had a look at the sonata, but they only had the v6 model. I ended up getting the RVR turbo alternator, it bolted straight in with no worries (except for the lack of space to get it down there in the first place!) plug type was the same, only thing that needed changing was the main power lead (don't know the proper name for it) needed a bigger eye on it to fit around the bolt but that's just a easy cut an join (suggest extending slightly due to the slightly different plug/terminal positions)

Just as a side not, the car had a stalling issue every now an then on idle, replacing the alternator has fixed this, I assum lack of charge on idle was causing the Ecu to not get the power it needed. Also had a misfire from time to time an this is also gone, again, from Ecu not getting the juice it needs. Just thought I would mention that in case anyone is having similar problems :)
No one here uses the Saturn Alternator upgrade around here? Also known as the GM CS130. 96-105amp in factory form.

MotorCityReman on eBay will sell you one with a self-exciting regulator (so you only have the charge wire to connect) a variety of outputs up to 200amps.