OK I am close to hooking up me SAFC. I have found that I have the same ECU as some Galant and Lancer GSR modles. Fir those who know it is the M4 ECU. I have no idea what that means but my question is this, is there an ECU I can get my hands on, stock, that might have a higher rev cut speed limiter.
Could it be as simple as get the Lancer or Galant 1 and just plug in??
I have heard that Hyundai put these solderd chips in to extent motor life. Is Mitsubishi as concervetive???
Could it be as simple as get the Lancer or Galant 1 and just plug in??
I have heard that Hyundai put these solderd chips in to extent motor life. Is Mitsubishi as concervetive???