SAT 27TH MAY 2006 / Heathcote drag day (UPDATED)


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MADEVO said:
The VH is in, and don't worry his is a mechanic with a lot of love for the mitsi's. So Baz what are the exact costs and rules???? Sivart think you should have the Cyborg done by then!!!! 8)

I wish it would be but you never know though ( I just bought a cruiser KR Xi Verada V6 power) so now its just 4G61 out 4G63 in :D

cant wait

but will be there either way
if you have trouble finding spots for the day baz let me know and i'll post it up on ECCA, im more than positive that you'll find a few people ;)

Re: SAT 27TH MAY 2006 / Heathcote drag day

hey baz, i got your message
sorry i cant make it
the 27th is DECA, and i'm all ready for that
im already going to a heathcote day on the 6th, so im not completely missing out
Re: SAT 27TH MAY 2006 / Heathcote drag day

tharaka said:
the 27th is DECA, and i'm all ready for that

good to hear! DECA is great fun, who's running this one?

Re: SAT 27TH MAY 2006 / Heathcote drag day

tharaka said:
skylines australia and wrx club

ahh very good, apparently they put on a good show and its run very well. goodluck with it :wink:

Re: SAT 27TH MAY 2006 / Heathcote drag day

barge said:
tharaka said:
skylines australia and wrx club

ahh very good, apparently they put on a good show and its run very well. goodluck with it :wink:

thanks, this will be the 3rd one ive been to so theres no suprises really
day thing guys
11am to 4 pm

so far i have a confirmed:

-jetevo (if his car is ready) if not watch
-vincent and friends (evo's)
-sokki (s14)
-tot (wrx gc8)
-steve (torana) + friends (sorry, v8 yes, but street reg'd)
-madevo + friends
-jayz-1 + friends

and invites to:
-modproject team (hopefully around 5 cars)
-redlinegti club (hopefully around 10 cars)
-some wrx boys (hpoefully around 10 cars)

looking good guys!
we'll get somebody to video the day and compile a good vid out of it..
im not confirmed.. as i said about 70%

i still need to put in the clutch
need to put in the bigger turbo
need tune

what car is dilz bringing? the wrx?

JSTYLE said:
what car is dilz bringing? the wrx?


someone has to pump him. "apparently" he's now got 230kw atw in his rex, which is probably good for a mid 13. :wink:

I wish I could tear him a new ass with OVR4U, but alas, its OVR4ME.

joe-ness said:
barge ...ECCA do they have there own bwm deca club thing ?

we did late last year but we do it in conjunction with the BMWCCV, but that doesnt mean that all the cars were BMW's, most of them werent. we had a black or silver (cant remember) EVO8 that munched!!! was beautiful to watch

we had another onelast month and there's another one coming up. if anyone's serious about their car and their driving, DECA is definatly the way to go!

yeah i know the guy that runs it !! Larry ??? cant remeber his surename his a white old ****** dating my cousin :twisted:

Edit : Grayham <-- (spelling) bell .....Bell motorsport ment to be the biggest guy in BMW ...egine work,roll cage etc etc ... =]
joe-ness said:
Edit : Grayham <-- (spelling) bell .....Bell motorsport ment to be the biggest guy in BMW ...egine work,roll cage etc etc ... =]

yeah Belly's a great guy! he's mainly into the E30 racing but he also does work to other old bimmers. he did a cage for a mates E36 racer that's being turbo'd as we speak :twisted: . i wouldnt say he's the biggest BMW modifyer but he's definatly up there! he makes a mean 2.7L!

:lol: was talking to him at sand down awhile back he was ment to take me for a hot lap but didnt man his car is pretty fast around the track being non turbo and all ...i was ment to get a old E30 and start doing it to but never got around to it :D good cheap fun cars
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