So, There is an opporunity for me to earn atleast $450per ho


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Jun 12, 2006
Perth, WA
To do some work in Sudan for 3 weeks :huh:

Its a easy job, hook up a few servers, install some client software, do some basic application training and get out of there!

that was the project outline this morning, no one from the departments wants to go, the offer is getting ridiculous (so i thought) and we are none the closer to finding the required people.

i've been with this company for a couple of weeks, but i will register my interest to find out some more details.

from this mornings outline i know we will get,

Armored escorts
Body gaurds with automatic rifles
Body armor (maybe)

i dont know if we are flying directly into Sudan, or stopping before the border then hopping in, i would assume it would be by heli, i really hope its not land travel.

the more i read about this place, the more i dont want to go there, after reading that, it sounds real civilized. :(

its almost like i need to put a price on my life before i commit to this job, i mean, $450ph, is around $54k for 3 weeks, HUGE MONEY! but if i dont come back :( what then. should the company offer some sort of insurance for my missus etc? or should i ask for more, i dont know :(

i will register my interest tomorrow, to hopefully find out more details about exactly how it will all happen. where we land, where we go, how we get there etc.

i am thinking 50/50, at this stage, The money would be awesome, but Sudan sounds like hell on earth!

i've never heard of anyone i've known going to places like this, im hoping the good old t4g community might offer some useful advice :)


p.s. no tit pics off missus :p
For $450 per hour there isn't a great deal of jobs i wouldn't do :lol:

but hey, bump them up to $500 including meals and accomodation and that will be 3 weeks work well earnt

$450 x 38hrs = $17100 (38hr average week)
$17100 x 3 = $51300

bump them to $500 per hour and you have yourself $57000

Would make a good dent in a house loan even after tax...

Get all the details on how high the security is, how secure the travel is, where you are staying and how many people will be standing at your door with guns.

The life insurance cost that the company will have to take out for each will be massive cost to them, but ask them how much they would be liable for if something were to happen to you (god forbid).
its ******* bad over there,

worse than IRAQ or AFGAN :( its a bit alot of money, but hey basically im saying my life is worth 51k or what ever if i do decide to go.
the money is very very very tempting.. id be 50/50 on this as well..

tough call mate.. good luck HAHA

Armored escorts
Body gaurds with automatic rifles
Body armor (maybe)

they should get you one of those jags or mercs that are armour protected as well.. with that and body armour, id full consider it...
Just take the important things!

it is a big call, its lots of cash, its a risky situation to put yourself into, but the rewards are great.

its like Russian roulette *almost*

i will find out more specifics info tomorrow, crazy **** though. should just say double it ;)
Now you know how we feel when we have to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and DONT have a choice :?

Army.....We do it for OUR country.....


That is all...................
Where i work bought a business over seas and required one of our guys to fly over..

One place was the solomon islands. It was not the safest place but he went there a few times.

Think of it this way. You could work those few weeks there. then quit your job and not work for 6months.. the tax benefits would rock. :p..

But its a tough call. If you dont have a wife/kids then just do it, life is short, you only live once and if you dont do something because of fear then you are missing out.

example.. Wife was in europe when the september 11th happened and her next stop was LA. She considered coming back home, but then came to the realization that if she let fear run her life, you would never really go anywhere or do anything you want to do.. So she carried on with her trip..

Its really up to you but if you are scared of a few bullets. pffft :p. ahahah. just jokes.. I personally would do it, 1) looks good on the resume, 2) its good money 3) will put you in good stead with where you work for upcoming jobs 4) shows a willingness and dedication no one else has.

and that $450 an hour will be + meals + accommodation + expenses
not really about dedication to the job -

i think its also the greed for money - which could kill you.. is it worth it..?

i'd still probably go as well though.. LOL
I'd do it just to say I have done it. Hell- if you want a bodyguard- i'll go with you aslong as I get to pack an A.K and a glock.
It's a lot of money!

What is the likelihood of actually being killed? Is it just possible or probable?

If I was single I'd go straight away, but I don't know if I could risk it for my missus' sake..
I was talking about your question with the guys at work. One of them raised a good point:

If you're killed, ok you're dead. That really really sucks and your missus and family will be devestated. End of story for you.

however -

If you're NOT killed but severely injured/maimed/disabled - you're life and your family's lives will never ever be the same again. You could be spending the rest of your life a quadraplegic due to a bullet/shrapnel/whatever in your spine etc, or in a wheelchair due to having your legs blown off :shock:

I know it sounds morbid but they raised a good point about the fact that sometimes being alive but very badly injured could sometimes be perceived as being worse than being dead.

Money ain't everything, but the life experience it would give you would be invaluable too. That smart traveller site really outlines the dangers - how much of a risk are you prepared to take?
Body armour maybe? **** that, I'd want to be covered head to toe 24/7!

Good money, but its a pretty decent risk. Do you get accommodation etc. provided?

The money you'd earn would be a pretty nice deposit on a house, but if you don't come back, you can't enjoy the money. It wouldn't be much fun living in your house with no legs because they got blown off by land mines either.

Apparently they're not letting anybody over the border at the moment anyway?
3 weeks living on the edge [queue Aerosmith music] .... what a rush :twisted: Some extreme adrenaline junkies would do it for free you know :lol:
Ask yourself this "What if i had of gone" and then ask yourself "What if i had not of gone"

Don't live with "What If". either you do it or you dont. End of the day, if you don't and the other person goes you will probably always think "What If".

If it is your time to go, well heck, doesnt matter where you are. It will just happen.