So, There is an opporunity for me to earn atleast $450per ho


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if you dont do it youll always wonder what if....

if u can get good travel insurance you should be right. the company wouldnt ask u to go there if u were going to die. should it be that likely youd be on ALOT more per hour...

a mate of mines dad was in niger for like 2 years. at least once a month hed be under lockdown within the compound becuase of militia how cool would that story be at the pub :p...and ud get to brush up on your gt5 :p

i think it all comes down to how good the insurance you can get case of injury moreso than death...
A years wage earned in a few weeks, hook me up!!

For those 3 weeks work, you could take the rest of the year off.

As for the danger of being in that country, We'll your not going over there to fight so you should be out of harms way. I'm sure you will be escorted from your hotel room, to the little room in the building that you will be working in. What would be the chance's of it being blown up? I'd say slim.

Keep your head down, Don't shower for a few day's. wear a scarf over your head and cover yourself in dirt and you'll blend in like a good weave.

And look on the bright side, if you get captured, at least you'd be on TV ;)

I say do it.... do it.

Although, It is a ******** place.. check this out..

Manager was out of the office today, so didnt get a chance to ween more details about this yet. I am fairly confident most of the finer details will emerge tomorrow though.

I am currently thinking if its a direct fly in, i.e. private/company strip, and around 54k with minimal tax or close to that number after tax i will do it.

All i can really do right now, with out all the details is gauge opinions, weigh pros and cons and do some research.

defiantly not a decision to take lightly.

But when you look for worst cases, you can generally find them, i.e. snakes are danagerous, you could die if you get bitten, but the odds are slim to being in that situation, especially if all precautions have been taken.

Still interested in the finer details though :)
sounds like a nice place :roll:


* We strongly advise you not to travel to Sudan, including the capital Khartoum, because of the extremely dangerous security situation, the risk of armed conflict, the high threat of terrorist attack and high level of violent crime. Conflict can escalate and curfews can be imposed with little or no warning. Landmines have been laid in rural areas in many parts of the country.
* If you are in Sudan, you should consider leaving if it is safe to do so. Australians who decide to stay should ensure they have personal security measures in place.
* On 14 July 2008 the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) made an application to the ICC for an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide. There is a high threat of a violent backlash. The United Nations in Sudan has advised non-essential staff and dependents to leave. Australians who decide to stay in Sudan are strongly advised to exercise increased vigilance and keep a low profile. You should register your presence with the British Embassy in Khartoum and keep in regular contact with the embassy through its warden network.
* Rebels from the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) launched an attack on Omdurman, a city close to Khartoum, on 10 May 2008. At that time, JEM publicly stated its intention to launch more attacks on the capital.
* Given the high threat of terrorist attack and volatile security situation in Sudan, we strongly recommend that in addition to registering with the British Embassy you also register your travel and contact details with the Australian Government, so we can contact you in an emergency.
* Australia does not have an embassy or consulate in Sudan. The Australian Embassy in Cairo, Egypt provides consular assistance to Australians in Sudan. The provision of consular services to Australians, particularly outside Khartoum, may be severely limited.
* Be a smart traveller. Before heading overseas:
o organise comprehensive travel insurance and check what circumstances and activities are not covered by your policy
o subscribe to this travel advice to receive free email updates each time it's reissued.
think about your family, it is not just about you.
i servrd in infantry units for 11 years, served overseas and now i am f#@ked up. on medication for the rest of my life. can't sleep, family & social life has gone to ****. now on the pension at age 39 and can not work
look up PTSD and make sure you know all the facts.
good luck with what ever you decide
In my view I would do it, much to my family's dismay.

In my view it would be an amazing experience.
Actually, dont they kidnap white people over there and demand ransoms for them? You could end up being held hostage and if you are of no financial benefit to them you're kaput. And with the way the Govt are these days saying that 'we dont negotiate with terrorists' you're basically fukt.
well got the details today,

they already found someone to fill the position, because i have only been with the company for a few weeks i didnt really have the required experience anyway, but i was thinking it would be easy to work my arse off to learn what i needed.

ah what a bummer :(

i told him to take heaps of pic's though :)
I'd go. Only coz i'm bulletproof but.

Tough call, is a big ass gamble! Is sorta hard to comprehend how dangerous it'd be, and once you're in, you just gotta deal with it. Sounds like fun challenge to me.