Some EVO 3 info needed from you EVO guru's out there..


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95 GSR

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2012
Hay guys,

Ok, I'm starting to swap out my wiring harnesses in my GSR for EVO 3 harnesses... And I have a few connectors that I'm not sure where they go and I also have two connectors that have been cut off that in need some info on.. So yeah any help you an provide would be great...

Both these are from around stereo area.

This one is sorted !! In this pic you can see at the top left there is a L/Y wire and a Y/B wire now these are for the little sensor in the vent at the top of the dash... But there is also another connector with B/R and G/L wires ! Do you know what this connector is for ??

This one is sorted !! In this pic you can see the single blue wire with the white connector !! What is this one for ??

This one is from sort of under the passenger seat

This one is sorted !! Do you know what this wire is for ??

This one is sorted !!Now in this pic there are two connectors one with the black connector and one with a white one. Now the black one is for the folding mirror relay box but what is the white one for ?? I think it's something to do with the fog lights but I'm not sure !! Any chance someone with an EVO 3 could take a pic of what's pluged in there for us ?.

Now these are the connectors that have been cut off.

This one is sorted !! This one is from the harness that is clipped to the back of the dash.. It's the wires for the fog light switch plug.. Could someone take a pic of the connector for us firstly so I can see the type of connector I need and secondly so i know what color wire go's to what pin ....

This one is sorted !! Now this is under the drivers seat although i think it's just been cut there and may have continued up to the center console !!.. It has a blue wire with a white line and a blue wire with a red line... Are these wires for the intercooler sprayer switch ?? If not do you know what there for ??

I think that's it... Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance guys...
1st pic - climate control
2nd - arial
3rd - cat temp sensor
4th - no idea, maybe turn signal? Brake switch? Black 1 may be fold in mirror
Last - cooler spray button
EVL20T said:
1st pic - climate control Question below !
2nd - arial yeah thought it may be.
3rd - cat temp sensor Never even thought of that !! Makes sense now !!!
4th - no idea, maybe turn signal? Brake switch? Black 1 may be fold in mirror More info below
Last - cooler spray button Yep was fairly sure of this one but thanks for clearing it up for us!!

More questions.

Pic 1. Do you know what plugs in there ???
Pic 4. Yeah black is relay for mirrors. The other one has wiring (red wire with blue line) that go's to the fog light switch !! So must be something to do with the fog lights.... Maybe a relay or something !?!?

Also if anyone can pass on pix of the connectors from pix 5 and 6 or pass on any more info on the white plug in pic 4 that would be awesome....

Thank for all your help EVL20T. Much appreciated....
From my car ;)

Pic # 5 - Evo rear fog light switch (Left Button)


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And the Right Fog Light button for the front in case anyone needs it.


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The last pic reminds me of the intercooler spray button for sure.

In pic#4, that white plug doesn't really look that familiar to me on an EVO. It doesn't look pure white, but kind of see-through white, like an aftermarket plug.
If it looks like it runs with the black plug for the fold away option for the power mirrors, then I would hazard a guesstimate that somebody made up their own new plug for the actual power mirror up/down in/out movement out of those wires? Its worth a check.
If not, can you take a better pic of it and sort of trace back where it looks like it goes.
Thanks heaps for them pix. They are a massive help !!!! Now just need one like them for the sprayer switch...

And yeah the plug is the same color as the plug for the cat temp sensor !!?? The wires them selves are definitely factory..

I'll grab a better pic tomorrow of the wires/connector. And I'll trace the 4 wires to see where they all go. I know that the red/blue wire on the rear fog light switch is the same red/blue wire with in that white connector but I'll trace the others tomorrow and get back to you...

Once again, thanks man...
The water sprayer is easy as there's only the 2 wires that plug into the switch and clips into your centre console.
EVO-00X said:
can you take a better pic of it and sort of trace back where it looks like it goes.
Ok here go's..

I had a look in the Mitsubishi colt / lancer 94 wiring manual I got from this site... It's the closest I've found to an EVO wiring diagram....

Now from page 275 on it shows these diagrams. I've edited out stuff not related. My wiring is exactly the same as In these diagrams all bar connector B-51X. now in this manual it shows B-51X (rear fog lamp relay) as being in the relay junction box as per the 5th pix.. We're in my car the wiring for B-51X go's to the white connector in question... All the wires in my harness are factory wires and the connector in my junction box labeled as B-51X in the manual has other wires going to the rear of it ( this connector in a GSR has no wires going to it)...

Also the wires with the white connector on it doesn't go down next to the wires with the black connector as per the pic in my first post. It sits up higher as per the new pix below....




I've also included a diagram I did to show it a little easier how my car is wired.... Ignore the Rear Bog lights. LOL. Only just noticed I made that spelling mistake.



So from what I can tell its wired correctly and it needs to have a relay plugged into the connector.. Its just the connector is in a different location to the colt wiring but that doesn't mean it's wrong as the wiring lay out for the EVO could be different to the colt. ?!?!?!?!?

So a couple of things.

Is there anything in your car plugged into the connector labeled B-51X that's in the junction box, in the manual ?? (mine has nothing plugged in there but there are defiantly wires going the the back of the connector...)

And any chance I could get you to have a look up under your dash for the corresponding white connector as per mine and see firstly if you have it and secondly what's plugged into it ???

Here's the new pix of my connector and where it comes out of my harness. I've pulled back the factory tape further since the pix to double check that nothing's been modified. All is factory !!!...




I hope I haven't confuse the crap out of you...... LoL.....

Let us know your thoughts and findings....

I haven't had time to look at the diagrams closer this morning, but I quickly went out and took some pics of my spare EVO 3 half cut loom that I use for tracing wires in conversions.
There is not a plug like yours located in the loom there (see my attached pics).

I cant ever recall seeing a plug like that on the EVO 3 loom that's in my car either.
I do remember though there was a separate small Y-connector loom in my EVO 3 dash that had something to do with the 2 fog light switches above the drivers side vent, but its details taunt me at the moment.

I also thought that chances were your plug went under the dash and connected to the back of the white/cream coloured plastic relay board so a relay can plug into it, but that plug doesn't match up to anything on the back of the board.

For now, just leave that plug in a spot where you can get to it later.
During the Xmas holidays I will take my gauges cluster out and have a look if mine has the same plug as yours. If it does I'll see what its connected to.


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Thanks for taking the time hay !! This has really got me stumped.

Mine has the main interior harness, a single little sensor that go's up the top of the dash in the windscreen air vent and there is also a small harness that clips to the back of the dash itself.. It has the plug for the rear fog light switch and it also does the speakers in the dash, the light in the ash tray and ciggy lighter, hazzed light switch and rear window defogger switch. These are the only looms I have in the cabin...

In this pic below that you posted. What colour are the wires going to the plug I've circled in yellow ?? The manual says this is the connector that my wires are suppose to go to... This connector in my car has completely different wires going to it that are nothing to do with the fog lights.

That would be great if you could sus that out or us when you get a chance.


Same.. If you could have a look too it would be much appreciated..

Cheers guys...
OK will check the spare loom and my own loom when I can for you.
I spent the day with my brother installing a new headgasket and head studs, then put about 90% of the engine bay back together (including timing belt). He's a champion for helping me. :thumbsup: Don't have much left to do except wait for some parts from Japan to come in after Xmas :thumbsdown:
dude i feel your pain my piston have to come in from america after the custom order is processed probably wont see them until mid January
In the meantime, I did this pic up some time ago to help me this kind of stuff.
This shows all the interior relays etc labelled for the EVO.
Now, Im thinking, your plug might go to the one labelled 82792J Special Lamp... but that's just a guesstimate because I cant picture anything on mine hanging off to the side like that lol...
Might even be for an optional cruise control (traction control and keyless entry were too far away for that plug to go to).
We'll get this sorted in time. ;)


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    EVO I-III, GSR, CC Lancer Interior Relays, Flashers & Sensors.png
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comparing it to your image it look like the timer ignition illumination

ie it's for the ring light that goes around the key barrel and has delay on it to keep it lit up
Yeah the timer illumination ring around the ignition barrel is the one he has circled in the pic.
His manual reckons that his plug is supposed to go to that spot, which is wrong IMO because his plug is not made to fit in the back of that relay board anyway.
I'll check my wire colours going to the illumination relay and get back to you. I reckon yours is exactly the same as every other Evo for that location on the board, as the diagram shows nothing else is supposed to go in that spot.
Yeah I think you may be on to something here... I'm thinking 82792J Is what I need .... I also need the illum timer as well as I don't have that either.. Also need the ring for around the barrel !! My harness had no fuses, relays, control boxes, nothing plugged into it at all when I got it...

I also don't have the bracket 82502 so I can mount the door mirror control unit... I also don't have 82537, speed control unit. I don't even know if it's needed lol....

But yeah I have a good feeling about the 82792J, special lamp relay.. The wires are a good fit/length for that location also...

If you can look at the colour of those wires for the timer thing just so i can double check mine That would be great... But No rush hay I don't what you guys chasing stuff for me over your Xmas time.

Thanks again hay...
Ok sorted the white connector !!! Saw an E3 harness for sale in the uk and it has the same wires/connector... And it's just a relay that plugs in there.. I pluged in a correct style relay and it all works sweet... It clicks once you turn the headlights on, which then sends power to the fog switch.... Then once you press the fog switch it sends power to the rear fog lights.... This setup stops you from being able to turn your fogs on while your headlights are off....

I've also ordered the illumination timer too... So that's that also sorted....

Now on to my next issue.... I have a few... My car has some too... LoL

I think I have a few connectors that have had a few wires moved around. Only thing I can think of is that the guy I got my EVO interior harness from has had a go at trying to make it work with GSR harnesses... Not sure... ( Man I wish I could get hold of true EVO wiring diagrams..... )

Anyways. What I'm after now is some pix of both the connectors that plug into the back of the dash cluster and also the 6 connectors from the wiring harness that plug into the connections ive circled in the pic below that are on the rear of the junction block. I just want to see what colour wires go where so i have a reference from a non modified harness to check these connections from...

EVO-00X. - Any chance I could ask you to grab these pix for us when you get a chance from that cut harness you have ??
