Some EVO 3 info needed from you EVO guru's out there..


Help Support 4GTuner:

lol. Yep I'm lost.

This is the private message I got from him last night

"Im sorry last post i give description without as per forget to upload my wiring socket pic.thanks.."


I assume you want to know what a particular plug is for that's in your wiring harness. ????

If so, please take a photo of the plug / harness and post it up here so we can have a go at sorting it out for you.

I not being an ass but it's very hard to understand what you need to know. And as they say pictures tell a thousand words. so maybe that's the way to go.

Hye guys..this socket as per last post description from me..thanks..
Is it the blue connector or the white connector you need to know about ??

The blue one is for the rear window wiper switch...

And from what I can tell from that pic the white one is the ignition switch plug !?

Maybe get a clearer pic of just the plug you want info on... Try an show what colour wires are going to it...
Yes gsr colour connector im already know and full function as per rear wiper and water shower..ok,white connector i dont know what the function?can ur explain to me..wiring colour code i try to post ok..i give ur clear pic as per wiring colour..
Key barrel on steering column?? steering column nothing other socket. complete already to connected.this white socket beside with blue socket..have something for the switch??