Hi All,
I am the owner of this vehicle. TBH when I saw the above comments I think its fair to say I was a little 'miffed' but I respect SXYGSR's right to report back about the car, and he seemed like a good bloke with a genuine interest in EVO's.
I don't know if anyone else on this forum was/is also interested in the car but thought if there was I should perhaps address some of the points above if that?s OK.
I am not sure what a York Controller is, but it sounds like he is referring to the AYC. As stated in the sale blurb that was linked above, the AYC is currently disabled. This does not mean the rear diff is broken and the car is undriveable - it simply does not have the AYC hydraulic motor working to push torque to either rear wheel when required. So essentially the car has an open rear-differential. I have been told that to re-enable the AYC (without getting squeals when cornering) it will most likely need replacing. So if you want an EVO with AYC, for sure, in buying this car you will have to factor in it's repair, if you don't care you get a cheaper EVO.
With respect to the exterior condition, I think the car, for the kms, is in quite good condition. As stated above the front of the car has quite a few stone chips and marks on the front bumper. Perhaps I have put too much emphasis on the cars power (and being what it is)? I am not an expert re: paint etc, but a full respray sounds a bit much TBH. But, obviously, if the cars exterior becomes a common problem with interested parties I will have to address this (or the price of course).
Yes, the car is on it's original clutch. As stated in other comments above, I have not driven this car to death and couldn?t care less about a traffic light GP. It's been driven like a normal daily driver - that has a lot of stomp when you want it
not thrashed. I would like to think the clutch has plenty in it for its next owner, unless of course you subscribe to traffic light GP's and thrashing - in which case god help any clutch correct?
I will speak to my mechanic regarding the mentioned "rattle" to get a more succinct explanation for anyone interested in the car. When I first noticed it, and it was diagnosed, I was told that it did not present any major problem to the cars operation (and that was 80,000kms ago).
The motor is great. It has never dropped or used oil. The tacho hasn?t seen the right-hand side of 6000rpm for a long time (recent test drives for people looking at the car excluded of course). Again I think the engine has heaps left in it. Should I perhaps get it dyno'd and a compression test done? I wonder if showing that it still makes 155AWKW as it always has would help? The car has been serviced regularly since I've had it. I personally have changed the filter and oil every 5000kms.
All the cars electrics are working. Electric windows, Electric sunroof, intercooler spray, wipers front&rear etc, all speakers&headunit etc and the GSR spec climate control.
The car has recently had new tyre?s and brake pads installed.
The asking price still stands at $22K ONO. I think this is a pretty reasonable, and fair, price for the car. I note that it is currently on par or cheaper than quite a few GSR's and EVO3's etc. I understand that some of those examples are highly modified but some are still standard - which to me means a lot more, but that?s a personal preference of course.
Maybe the price is too high, I guess time will tell. At the end of the day I think if you are looking for an EVO4 etc and are going to build it up etc this is quite possibly a good, cheap, starting point. If the current price is at your limit, like every car, you need to understand what the car will cost in maintenance over the foreseeable life-time.
I am sure I am just as disappointed that the car didn?t meet SXYGSR's expectations as he is - after all, perhaps we would have then had a sale on our hands. But no one should buy something they think isn?t worth the price sticker.
I don't want to sound like an ass, and as above, I understand and accept SXYGSR's comments. But when I saw the above post I thought that if there were still any interested parties here, it may pay to respond as I honestly think the car is fit for sale.
I honestly hope SXYGSR finds what he's looking for and enjoys it as much as I have enjoyed this car! I now have an 05 WRX and it is so soft and removed from the road in comparison. Hopefully I can stand it for a coupe of years (it is the "compromise" car between my girlfriend and I) and then get a 9 - although I will undoubtedly need a baby seat by then!
All the best,