Stuck wastegate.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2005
I was wanting to put a few more pounds of boost into my EVO III (want to run 15psi) But i found that no matter how much i turned the boost controller, it didn't raise OR Lower boost.
I got under the car and i found that the wastegate was stuck 1/4 open.
Any idea's to get the wastegate flap moving freely?
I have tryied vice grips but i could only moved it more open & not closed.
Has anyone had this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Dont realy know as yet, but it appears that the flapper gate seems to be very tight.
I might have to wait till the car is cool & take the split pin out & see if it is the flapper & if i can move it.
Ok it's the wastegate acuator that is stuffed, It moves back (To lower boost) But doesn't move all the way back into the closed position.

Dane i might need your spare if ok?

Just a few Q's
Are the GSR 4G93 acuator's the same as the EVO 3 4G63 in shape, bolts lining up & the rod length & Spring tension?

2 words............... HOLLY CRAP!!!!
This should be into the 12's now. Cant wait till the V8 vs WRX meeting!!

I never seen boost responce like this B4, I had a bent/caved in acuator (The main round bit that holds the spring) now it springs upto 15pound in less than a second. :) :) :)

BIG thanks to Dane. :wink: