My VR4 is coming along nicely now, shouldn't be too long until it's completed and back on the road. So I'm thinking about some upgrades to suspension and brakes. Can I be recommended some ideas on brands, what exactly to do, where to go, etc?
I was reading on the Whiteline website that they do a Galant VR4 handling/sports pack -- thoughts? Or any ideas on suspension upgrades? I really don't want it lowered, or much lower at all though; which could be a problem I guess? I've driven a few lowered cars before and driveways and speed-humps were absolutely horrible.
Any recommendations on brake/caliper/rotor upgrades? Red calipers a must. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
And tyres! I want to go 'all out' and I'm thinking Adrenalin Potenzas, Yoko AVS Sports or Toyo R888s (road legal semi-slick.) Good ideas? Any thoughts on those or other tyre suggestions?
I haven't done any performance upgrades, stock '89 VR4 with boost control only but I do drive like a bit of a mad cunt on occasion and I'd like to know I've got REALLY good suspension/brakes/tyres backing me up. Especially because I'm wanting to get into some track runs and hill climbs.
My VR4 is coming along nicely now, shouldn't be too long until it's completed and back on the road. So I'm thinking about some upgrades to suspension and brakes. Can I be recommended some ideas on brands, what exactly to do, where to go, etc?
I was reading on the Whiteline website that they do a Galant VR4 handling/sports pack -- thoughts? Or any ideas on suspension upgrades? I really don't want it lowered, or much lower at all though; which could be a problem I guess? I've driven a few lowered cars before and driveways and speed-humps were absolutely horrible.
Any recommendations on brake/caliper/rotor upgrades? Red calipers a must. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
And tyres! I want to go 'all out' and I'm thinking Adrenalin Potenzas, Yoko AVS Sports or Toyo R888s (road legal semi-slick.) Good ideas? Any thoughts on those or other tyre suggestions?
I haven't done any performance upgrades, stock '89 VR4 with boost control only but I do drive like a bit of a mad cunt on occasion and I'd like to know I've got REALLY good suspension/brakes/tyres backing me up. Especially because I'm wanting to get into some track runs and hill climbs.