Suspension options... Need some information


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Therefore if you use the nimbus rear end (shock and springs) that should lower it quite nicely then?? as i very often wonder why some other rvrs are so much lower yet old ladies and wat not driving them lol
Having phoned Pedders today regarding the Part numbers supplied by Lozzle...

Spring Rates are unknown though the gent is going to ring and find out for me and get back to me. Useful information for someone like me who wants to know how hard it is.
Secondly, our springs are out of that many cars it's not funny... If anyone wants a list I can get it, but they think the RVR is the same as a Nimbus.... so anyone who has ordered Pedders spring before, please give me your part numbers so I can actually check and see what spring they supplied and from there gauge height.
Meanwhile, I have found someone who can have there factory springs completely assesed and is a bit closer to having these springs recreated.
Should be able to then get a few different height and force variants by any requirement.
Still a little way off, but it will become a reality, hopefully before the year is out.

I'm still skeptical about the whole Nimbus factor given they are a slightly lower car and unsure of the rear suspension setup, might check ASA tonight.
yeah check ASA tonight and let me know how you go.
I'm going to be waiting for info back. But I'll be making some calls and getting a hold of part numbers of people who have RVR's and have got lowered springs and trying to source more info on that.
But I'll be making some calls and getting a hold of part numbers of people who have RVR's and have got lowered springs and trying to source more info on that.
Lowered isn't such a great problem.
I think ultimately the information for factory units are needed so we have a yard stick.
With this info we can do whatever we want.
I personally don't want lower, so for me buying Nimbus springs wouldn't suffice...

Will inform tonight.
Yep, Agreed.

I've seen RVR's with new springs that sit around 20mm higher than stock... which is more in your ball park I think.
So I don't doubt there is an option around for us somewhere.
Having phoned Pedders today regarding the Part numbers supplied by Lozzle...

Secondly, our springs are out of that many cars it's not funny... If anyone wants a list I can get it, but they think the RVR is the same as a Nimbus.... so anyone who has ordered Pedders spring before, please give me your part numbers so I can actually check and see what spring they supplied and from there gauge height.

So, to clarify, the below Pedders part numbers for springs are correct? And they will allow my car to drop about an inch? Sorry, I'm a bit of a spring and strut numpty (coilies are so much easier!)

Pedders springs
They are correct in that the car will be lower. They're Nimbus springs.

They dont know what an N23W RVR is... they know what the N11W / N13W RVR is (Nimbus AFAIK)

I'll keep on this and let everyone know what options we have for stock springs etc.
I am well aware this is a link to eBay.
I post this merely for the fact of the seller confirming something!

Seems as the numbers from pedders are correct, they do work with the rear suspension also.

Another thing noting, they are 1" low, good for the hsg boys.

I'm still working on getting the oems measured so the very few who want lift can get it, and also so we have a point of reference if we want to beef it up.
Yes, firmer.

Have you googled cobrasprings yet or do you still want me to post the link?

I have actually got them to custom make some taller springs for me, 30mm above factory.
Yea, they are in christchurch, nz.

They have the springs listed on the site and mentioned they also custom make, which a lot of places in Au do too but don't already have patterns for the rvr. Worked out fairly cheap too, $650nzd posted. Should have them in a week or two as the designs were completed last week.
I found this KYB part number list. It may be useful.
Mitsubishi Canter FE425 R L/R 444170

Mitsubishi Canter FE111,FE221 F L/R 444197

Mitsubishi Chariot N84W 2WD, N94W 4WD R L/R 343312

Mitsubishi Delica LO31P, L032P, L038P, L039P, P0#V, P1#V R L/R 343213

Mitsubishi Delica LO31P,L032P, L038P, L039P, P0#V, P1#V, T100, KM20, TM20 R L/R 443149

Mitsubishi Delica P0#V, P1#V F L/R 444089

Mitsubishi Delica P0#V, P1# P0# R L/R 344064

Mitsubishi Delica P2#W/V, P35W, P45V 4WD R L/R 343226

Mitsubishi Delica P2#W/V, P35W, P45V F L/R 344111

Mitsubishi Delica P2#W/V, P1#W/V R L/R 443224

Mitsubishi Delica P2#W/V, P35W, P45V 4WD F L/R 444090

Mitsubishi Delica, Pajero L039G, L35G, L037G, L041G, L042G, L043G, L044G,L144G F L/R 344119

Mitsubishi Delica, Pajero KMJK,L039G, L35G, L037G F L/R 444068

Mitsubishi Delica, RVR P05T,P13T, P15T 2WD F L/R 444137

Mitsubishi Eclipse D20A, D21A, D22A 2WD F R/L 334030

Mitsubishi Eclipse, Galant E37A, E38A, E39A R L/R 341121

Mitsubishi Eclipse, Galant, Legnum D40A, E5#A, E64A, E75A, E8#A 4WD, EA#/W 2WD F L/R 341141

Mitsubishi Galant E37A, E38A, E39A F R/L 334043

Mitsubishi Galant E11~15A R L/R 341054

Mitsubishi Galant E5#A, E64A, E75A, E8#A 4WD, 4WS whith ABC R L/R 341142

Mitsubishi Galant, Legnum EA#A/W 2WD R L/R 341213

Mitsubishi Galant, Legnum EC#A/W 4WD F L/R 341240

Mitsubishi Galant, Legnum EC#A/W 4WD R L/R 341241

Mitsubishi L400/Delica Space Gear PD4V, PD5V 4WD F L/R 554103

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage C11/12/13/14/15, C12, C14V F L/R 333037

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CA#A, CB#A, CC#A, CD#A F R 333124

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CA#A, CB#A, CC#A, CD#A F L 333125

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CA#A, CB#A, CC#A, CD#A R L/R 341140

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CA#A, CB#A, CC#A, CD#A with High Clearance Sus. R L/R 341145

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CJ#A, CK#A, CM#A with High Ground Clearance Sus. F R 333290

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CJ#A, CK#A, CM#A with High Ground Clearance Sus. F L 333291

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CJ#A, CK#A, CM#A F R 333318

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage CJ#A, CK#A, CM#A F L 333319

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage C5#A, C6#A F L/R 334019

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage C5#A, C6#A R L/R 341071

Mitsubishi Lancer, Mirage C12V, C14V R L/R 343203

Mitsubishi Libero CB#V/W, CD4V/W 4WD R L/R 343261

Mitsubishi Libero CD4V/W 4WD F R 633135

Mitsubishi Libero CD4V/W 4WD F L 633136

Mitsubishi Mirage, Lancer C37V (4WD) F R/L 333078

Mitsubishi Mirage, Lancer C37V 4WD R L/R 343237

Mitsubishi Pajero V64W, V65W, V68W, V74W, V75W, V78W F L/R 341251

Mitsubishi Pajero L141G, L144G, L146G, L149G R L/R 344116

Mitsubishi Pajero V1#V/W,V3#V/W, V2C/W, V4#W F L/R 344222

Mitsubishi Pajero V2#C/W, V4#W R L/R 344223

Mitsubishi Pajero V64W, V65W, V68W, V74W, V75W, V78W R L/R 344300

Mitsubishi Pajero L141G, L144G, L146G, L149G R L/R 444101

Mitsubishi Pajero V1#V/W,V3#V/W F L/R 444139

Mitsubishi Pajero L041G/042G/043G/44G/46G/48G/49G,V1#V/W, V3#V/W R L/R 553142

Mitsubishi Pajero L141G,L144G, L146G, L149G R L/R 554068

Mitsubishi Pajero V1#V/W,V3#V/W, V2#C/W, V4#W F L/R 554091

Mitsubishi Pajero V2#C/W, V4#W R L/R 554092

Mitsubishi Pajero, Challenger K94W, K96W, K99W, F L/R 344294

Mitsubishi Pajero, Challenger K94W, K96W, K99W, R L/R 344295

Mitsubishi RVR KMYMS, N11W, N13W, N18W , N31W, N33W, N35W N38W 2WD F L/R 334070

Mitsubishi RVR KMYMS, N11W, N13W, N18W , N31W, N33W, N35W N38W R L/R 343262

Mitsubishi RVR N21W, N23W, N28W, N41W, N43W, N48W 4WD F L/R 334071

Mitsubishi RVR N84W 2WD, N94W 4WD F R 334235

Mitsubishi RVR N84W 2WD, N94W 4WD F L 334236

Mitsubishi RVR N23WG SPORT GEAR F L/R 335034

Mitsubishi RVR N23WG SPORT GEAR R L/R 343384

Mitsubishi RVR PA3W,PA4W, PA5W R L/R 443283

Mitsubishi RVR PD4W, PD5W R L/R 443284

Mitsubishi RVR PD4V, PD5V4WD R L/R 443286

Mitsubishi RVR PD4V, PD5V, PD4W, PD5W 4WD F L/R 444138

Mitsubishi Sigma, Diamante F13A, F15A, F16A, F17A F L/R 335017

Mitsubishi Sigma, Diamante F13A, F15A, F16A, F17A R L/R 341134

Mitsubishi Truck FS F L/R 444210