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i just woke up from a night of trying to set up my avcr so i can go to the cruise but yeah still got some issues on the avcr so will go sort that out soonish.
Was an awesome drive!!!!!!!!! great day except for the evo7 that died hope he gets it home all good highlight ritchies charcoal gsr full sideways on GOR round a hair pin manging to save it with an on coming car an seeing his eyes lookin a lil like this :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

would have been better if more of the guys that came to the meet actually came on the cruise the twisty's are better than the spur
tUfRiCe said:
the twisty's are better than the spur


Today was up there with the best cruise we've had so far, nice long country drive on a sunday arvo matched with some fun in the hills and some fish and chips proved to be quite nice summers day indeed :p

Highlights for me was seeing that koala in the middle of the road, the candy apple red '64 impala, having a nice run in the hills and the turnout at STI docklands- was awesome, I think about 23 cars..... 8)

Downers- having to leave the E7 behind, the idiot in the A-class merc and those farking flies!! :twisted: :evil:

Got a couple of pics, nothing special as I had to drive :cry:

Im sure the others grabbed heaps

This was the best christmas cruise yet!!





Was good fun even though I was'nt driving , thank's heap's to Joel , Steven and Richard giving me a lift much appreciated. Only managed too get a couple picture's as my battery's died out.

i got the E7 running and he got it home soo no casualties for the day.....
VERY VERY BAD wiring with the alarm causing it to short out the alarm controll forcing the imobiliser to be always on.....

oh very fun day guys good to see some of the people who dissapeard Ahem: Tuffrice lolz up and running againz.....

i think me and arron did more driving then you guys, we escorted Tom with the white E6 to get fuel in the next town and went back to fix that white E7 ......

none the less went through the twisties again lol :lol:
JayRome said:
VERY VERY BAD wiring with the alarm causing it to short out the alarm controll forcing the imobiliser to be always on.....

oh very fun day guys good to see some of the people who dissapeard Ahem: Tuffrice lolz up and running againz.....

i think me and arron did more driving then you guys, we escorted Tom with the white E6 to get fuel in the next town and went back to fix that white E7 ......

none the less went through the twisties again lol :lol:

thats great news! I would have been stoked if that were me :D

Good day guys, apologies for the missed turnoff - it didnt really matter that much though.

I too prefer those roads over the reefton/black spurs ... much better scenery too. :)
we had a great time.. didnt get as many pics as i'd like



ok just try to block out the VN and the beamer


and thanks to all...

im glad the e7 didnt drop its guts completely
looks like a great cruise guys!

I'm pissed that I missed it but parts for my car didn't turn up in time to get it finished
me and arron were the last to leave so we decided to take some happy snaps of the view... was a very calming drive home :p
was one of the best drives ive personally been on eva
thanks guys for the fantastic drive:):) meery christmas and see you all in the new year. 8)