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Hey dan apology accepted for missin the turn off haha
meant me an nick had to blast through the twisty's thinkin we were trying to catch up
we had a wicked clean run an managed to fit in some drifting in a paddock while we were waiting hahaha
GOOD TIME lads cant wait for the next one id be happy to do the same 1
just with more guys come on the run they'll love it!!!!!

so glad the evo7 and the koala are okay!!!
Skuz said:
hey twas a good day shame i missed out on the twistys. really makes me miss my vr4 and im still on the hunt for another mitsubishi

you sick of the s14 already knackers?
tUfRiCe said:
fella in the e7 was takin heaps of fotos and footage aye

yer his GF was taking Video footage in the back seat soo wana wait for there stuff
wasnt feeding enough fuel we hooked up a gauge to the fpr and when you up the pressurehow the fuel just goes up for a second and then just fall off. also was very erratic well that was the second one we put in.

the first one that was already in there lasted a little bit longer till it started to cause my car to run very lean.

shouldnt be anything wrong with the setup as its a simple fuel setup.

we even tried a different fpr incase but it just points to the fuel pump.
HAHA i didnt jinx you walbro jinexed you

there just bad i got SARD 280lh pump (bosch branded) going in when i have time and then maybe put a external setup soon after sort of got some funds comming in trying to work out how to spend them

(engine rebuild) or just make my car look pretty as i will be happy with the perforumce for a while

but yeah i been told caldar is **** people last c ouple weeks they have been having under 20 cars most fridays due to new fees and prices

maybe it is time to go :p haha
yeh ive gone a bosch 044 external setup now.

me n some of the boys are heading to calder early jan u wanna come rob?