Tappet/hydraulic Lifter Noise


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Aug 23, 2007
Ok my Tappet/hydraulic lifters are really startin to sound bad sort of like a ratling noise. I would love to replace them but im to poor to afford anything. Wil anything a dverse happen to my engine if i leave it like this for a few more weeks of driving ? =( !
if the noise is very loud it would indicate a quite a large clearance at the head of the valve. this can result in mushrooming of the valve head...this looks a bit like the top of a cold chisel that has been in use for a very long time. howver this will also take a long time to occur unless you are reving the crap out of it.

change the lifters they arent that dear or that hard to do.......if you are really tight for bucks take the old ones out and clean them first with brake clean spray then if you can get them ulta sonic bathed. it wont solve the issue IF the are worn. but if they are dirty it will shut them up for a while until the next bit of sludge from inside the engine blocks one again.

try cleaning first ts worth a try


try a different oil... i was running magnatec 10w30 and had a bit of lifter tick. I'm now running Motul 5w30 and have no evidence of lifter tick.

the other thing you could try is the upper cylinder head lubricant that dre is selling.
Spend your money elsewhere, $220+ install is a rip off- unless your going to keep your car forever. With some fresh decent oil, and Pro-Ma MBL8, it'll make the noise go away, and you can spend your $400 in other places like going faster :twisted: :wink: :lol:
A comon problem for FTO's as well ... I use to only get the ticking when the car was cold ... After warm up it mostly went away ... I am not sure what oil the guy was using before me, but it was pretty thin ...

I replaced it about 2 weeks ago .... Put in a Shell 5w40 ... No noise on start up, or when warm ... Pretty happy with it ....