Team 4G xmas cruise - 19/12/09


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Gooch said:
Well done guys pics look great some real work on some of those cars.

Get voting I am trying to put together a calendar and would like you guys to jump on board.


Calender ay? i would be keen to put the evo 3 in that :D
JETGSR said:
Mo whats with the "Elders" thing? Am i really that old? admittedly most of you could be my sons!

I'm just trying to hang onto my youth for as long as I can lol.
I already feel like an old man and it makes me feel a little better to poke fun at you guys, the ones with knowledge that is, as they say "knowledge comes with age". :p
Going by that rule Jamie must be around 55yo! ahaha

And yeah Jerome, no offence but these cars are Kiwi magnets lol. :p
Nah I guess they just have good taste in cars......except the spoiler/chrome/low thing haha
MDK87 said:
And yeah Jerome, no offence but these cars are Kiwi magnets lol. :p
Nah I guess they just have good taste in cars......except the spoiler/chrome/low thing haha

thats because NZ has the best selection of cars MO
u see evos vr4s gsrs everyday there, just in a trip up to the shops...especially in sth auckland, i guess because there are so many we dont want to look the same. Here there aint many so you like to keep them stock plus the cops hassle ya more here.

My vr4 is a prime example of how kiwis like to do things
good or bad...its different. Dont think its ever been done before not even in NZ :p
jerome266 said:
thats because NZ has the best selection of cars MO
u see evos vr4s gsrs everyday there, just in a trip up to the shops...

I've heard that so many times hey.
Can't wait to go to NZ for a visit. :)
well why isnt sombody importing them for parts instead of going to japan for them?? probably wont even have to pay as much import fees etc either as we are such good neighbours etc etc??
blackers10 said:
well why isnt sombody importing them for parts instead of going to japan for them?? probably wont even have to pay as much import fees etc either as we are such good neighbours etc etc??

good question only have to look at
to see how much parts are available there. I no guys from here are taking advantage too. Ive got a heap of stuff from there. Even sent my ecu back to get fixed in nZ and every time a rallie comes over i get them to bring a carpart or 2 with them (save on shipping ) haha... maybe it has something to do with the exchange rate dont you get like 60yen per dollar ???
mmm...let me think

zr4 grill
intake manifold
evo 6 fb vent
evo 3 fb end caps and vents
dump pipe

have all come via NZ im sure theres a few others im forgetting at this time of morning
blackers10 said:
well why isnt sombody importing them for parts instead of going to japan for them?? probably wont even have to pay as much import fees etc either as we are such good neighbours etc etc??
Very few people buy parts from Japan (I have for the Echo but not one single one for the vr4), and the ones that do are because those parts are not available anywhere else. The only thing we really get from Japan is complete cars and front cuts.
If you do the sums, you will see it is cheaper to buy a car from Japan than it is from NZ.
Hey all...

The evos and vr4s run made in nz cause its a good bang for buck...
my first experience in a vr4 was wen i was 16 (oh so many years ago now hehehe)... at th time in nz the hype was having a nissan primera...

In south auckland most of the vr4's or evos that are in mint condition usually belong to car crews that are likened to gangs....

Just some early morning blog hehehe
Gosh rob thats no good I have been on holidays since the 5th of November. And don't go back to uni until the end of February.