there was no indication of a boost leak however i'm going to try putting a ziptie around the wastegate hose (might be letting prssure past = wastegate not opeening porperly)
i'm going to try an aftermarket dump pipe and possibly swap out the turbine housing finding a new one is damn hard in the 6cm items because everyone goes up to the 7cm ones.
the curve does ramp up to 10 psi like it supposed to but only holds for a small moment before contiueing to climb.
that hump in the afr is where i've been saying i can noticably feel a difference in response as if swaping between open and closed loop? or a change of maps/timing.
after which it drops down to where it should and then starts to lean out.
ecu should be std gsr i'll get under the dash and give you a part no when i get home
i would realy like to shift that 10 psi reading ~1000 rpm lower if possible
one way valve to charcoal canister? should go to the booster instead
What part of the wastegate was foulin on the engine mount?? if it was the nipple then just bend it abit, the creep is prob coz the wastegate has been moved
the one way valve is a very small vac line and attaches to the tb there's a second larger hose that goes to the booster.
nah it was the actual diaphragm body that fouled. the td05 wast gate sits lower than the td04 one the one on the 04 only just clear the mount as it was
i keep getting this idea to put a digital rc servo as the waste-gate and control that electronically
i'll look alil more closly at what exactly is fouling it might be that extra bolt hole they have. the whole engine comes out in a few weeks so once it's out i can bolt up the box and member to dsee what's fouling clearly.